Mexico registers an explosion in the Popocatepetl volcano, which accumulates 12 exhalations in 24 hours (VIDEO)


14 ene 2022 01:43 GMT

The National Center for Disaster Prevention urged the population not to approach the crater, due to the possible fall of “ballistic fragments”.

The Popocatépetl volcano, located in central Mexico, registered a minor explosion on Thursday morning, for which the authorities asked the population not to approach the crater.

At 04:20 in the morning (local time), the volcano emitted an explosion that left a column 600 meters high “low ash content“and what did he throw?”fragments a short distance from the crater“, according reported the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), which published a video of the activity.

During the day, the authorities detected that Popocatepetl had “a slight emission of water vapor and volcanic gases in a southeasterly direction.”

This activity was added to the record, in the last 24 hours, of 12 low intensity exhalations, which were accompanied by “volcanic gases and low amounts of ash”.

While the Volcanic Alert traffic light remains ‘yellow phase 2’, Cenapred exhorted the population to “stay away” from Popocatepetl, and mainly avoid the crater, given “the danger posed by falling ballistic fragments.”



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