Video: Scholz emphasizes the importance of diplomacy towards Russia

Scholz emphasizes the importance of diplomacy towards Russia

NOTE: THIS POST CONTAINS NO SPEAKER TEXT. O-Ton Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “We have all made it clear that there would be serious consequences if it came to military aggression. And we are in agreement regarding that. Of course, the point now is to prevent precisely that. And that is why it is It is also very important that we now recognize a large number of dialogue formats in which the US and Russia are negotiating within the framework of the NATO-Russia Council in the OSCE and in which attempts are being made to develop a constructive path. ” “What we all share is the analysis that this is a very serious situation and that it is no less serious now that the talks have started. But you can see how necessary they are, and we are also trying to improve Normandy Enable format once more. ” “The French President and I have tried several times to get these talks going once more and have established the necessary contacts with Ukraine and Russia. And we are very happy that the negotiators from all four sides will soon meet once more to to start preparatory talks for it. ” “In fact, it is still the case that we as the German government are in coordination with our European partners. On the question of how we will act with regard to China as far as the Olympic Games are concerned. And this process is still in every way not completed.”


Chancellor Olaf Scholz has emphasized the continued use of all communication channels with Moscow despite the concentration of Russian troops in front of the Ukrainian border.



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