Vaccination pass voted in the Senate, Twitter back in Nigeria … The 5 news of the night to remember

Vaccination pass: the Senate votes on a significantly modified text

By 249 votes for and 63 once morest, the senators gave in the night the green light to a significantly modified text. According to their version, the vaccination pass would only apply to adults and might only be imposed when the number of hospitalizations linked to Covid-19 would be greater than 10,000 patients nationally. Forgotten, too, the possibility for the owners of bars, cafes and restaurants, to verify the identity of the holder of the pass. Finally, the text removes administrative sanctions once morest companies that do not play the teleworking game or do not apply the protocols.

Deputies and senators will meet at the beginning of the followingnoon to try to agree on a common version in a joint committee. In case of agreement, it will be submitted for final adoption to the vote of the Senate on Thursday and then of the Assembly on Friday. In the event of failure, the bill will be re-read in both chambers, the Assembly having the last word.

Franco-Iranian Fariba Adelkhah reincarcerated in Tehran

In the midst of Iranian nuclear negotiations, deemed too slow by France, the researcher is once once more behind bars in Evin prison in Tehran. Arrested in June 2019 and sentenced in May 2020 to five years in prison for attacks on national security, which her supporters have always denied, she had been under house arrest since October 2020.

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“The decision to return to prison, which we condemn, can only have negative consequences on the relationship between France and Iran and reduce confidence between our two countries,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement, demanding the “immediate release” of Fariba Adelkhah.

Twitter allowed once more in Nigeria following seven-month suspension

Authorities in Nigeria say that following several months of negotiations, Twitter has acceded to “all conditions set by the federal government”, including taxation and management of content that does not comply with the laws of the most populous country of Africa, where the American social network has been an important tool of social protest. Twitter has “also committed to establishing a legal entity in Nigeria during the first quarter of 2022,” the statement said.

At 00:30 local time, the social network was however still not accessible from the economic capital Lagos, noted an AFP journalist.

In Denmark, a fourth dose of vaccine for the most vulnerable

Hit hard by the Omicron wave, Denmark has announced that it will offer a fourth dose of the anti-Covid vaccine to the most vulnerable, namely the immunocompromised, cancer patients or people with arthritis.

Closed since December 19, theaters, cinemas, concert halls will be able to reopen on Sunday but with a capacity of 500 people for all indoor events. Bars and restaurants remain forced to close at 11 p.m., with a ban on serving alcohol between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. The validity of the health pass is reduced to five months following the second dose, once morest seven months previously. 79.6% of the population of the Scandinavian country is vaccinated.

Eight states, including Iran, lose their right to vote at the UN

Due to excessive debt to the organization, Iran, but also Sudan, Venezuela, Antigua and Barbuda, Congo, Guinea, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu , see their right to vote in the General Assembly suspended, as provided for in Article 19 of the United Nations Charter.


To recover it, Iran will have to spend a little over $ 18 million, Sudan nearly $ 300,000 and Venezuela around $ 40 million.



Christophe DonnerChristophe Donner


Column Donner CREDIT: LAURA ACQUAVIVAChristophe Donner


By Sylvain Fort


Nicolas Bouzou identifies the three major battles to be fought for this coming year.Nicolas bouzou



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