Half of the U.S. hospitalization rate of Omicron infected patients… 90 discharged within three days

A study found that people infected with the COVID-19 omicron mutant virus had a significantly lower hospitalization rate than those diagnosed with the delta mutant virus. Omicron confirmed patients had a much lower severity and mortality rate.

CNBC reported on the 12th (local time), citing research data from Kaiser Permanente, a large medical institution that operates 39 hospitals in the United States. This study is the result of analyzing data from Kaiser Permanente Southern California from November 30 of last year to January 1 of this year. The target of the investigation is regarding 52,000 people infected with Omicron and regarding 17,000 people with Delta mutation.

As a result of the analysis, the hospitalization probability of those infected with Omicron was only half that of those with the delta mutation. The risk of serious illness requiring intensive care and mortality were 75% and 90% lower, respectively. None of the patients infected with Omicron were on a ventilator.

In addition, the hospitalization period for omicron mutation patients was 1.5 days on average, shorter than those for delta mutation patients (average 5 days). 90% of patients with Omicron mutation were discharged within 3 days. This study was conducted by researchers from Kaiser Permanente, UC Berkeley, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Expectations for an end to COVID-19 are growing as research results show that the power of omicron mutations is weaker than delta mutations. Swiss Health Minister Alain Berset said on the same day that “Omicron is very contagious, but it is less dangerous.”

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates tweeted, “If Omicron scans a country, there will be far fewer confirmed cases. Ultimately, COVID-19 will be treated like a seasonal flu.”

Some point out that tensions should not be slowed as Omicron is spreading at a rapid rate and burdening the medical system. According to the New York Times (NYT), the average number of new COVID-19 cases per day in the United States for the past seven days as of today was 781,203, a record high. Since December 12 of last year (117,454 people), they have been writing new records every day. The average number of hospitalized patients per day over the past 7 days was 142,454, the highest in history.

Central and South America are also at an emergency due to a surge in COVID-19. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), part of the World Health Organization (WHO), said last week that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Argentina and Paraguay increased by nearly 300% compared to the previous week. “Omicron will soon become the dominant species in the region,” said PAHO Director Carissa Etienne.

By Park Sang-yong, staff reporter yourpencil@hankyung.com

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