Emirates News Agency – UAE condemns Houthi piracy of UAE-flagged civilian cargo ship in the Red Sea

NEW YORK, 13th January / WAM / The United Arab Emirates has condemned the piracy operation and the Houthi takeover on January 3 of the civilian freighter Al Rawabi flying the UAE flag in the Red Sea.

This came during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the Republic of Yemen, during which a number of council members condemned the seizure of the ship, while many countries issued statements condemning the Houthi seizure of the ship “Al Rawabi”.

On the subject, Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, Permanent Representative of the UAE to the United Nations, said: “We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthi piracy of the civilian ship “Al Rawabi” off the port of Hodeidah, as a dangerous escalation once morest the safety of international navigation in the Red Sea, which requires a deterrent stance from the Security Council. “. She added: “We thank all countries that issued statements of condemnation regarding the piracy incident.”

His Excellency Nusseibeh stressed that no progress can be made to end the Yemeni crisis without stopping the hostilities carried out by the Houthi militias and putting an end to their repeated violations once morest Yemenis. It also strongly condemned the Houthis’ attempt to target the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with drones and ballistic missiles, which is a flagrant violation of international law.

She stressed the importance of consensus in opinion, unifying the Yemeni ranks under the Riyadh Agreement, and giving priority to the supreme national interest of Yemen in order to achieve the desired progress in the political process to serve the aspirations of the Yemeni people.

Her Excellency welcomed the recent efforts of the Yemeni government to improve the economy, as the UAE looks forward to developing solutions that contribute to the advancement of the Yemeni economy.

She called for intensifying international efforts to respond to the humanitarian needs of the Yemeni people.

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Wm/ Dina Omar




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