Dyson: tips to meet your wellness goals in 2022

Dyson- With the arrival of 2022, many purposes and goals come to fulfill. For the vast majority of people, health is a priority and they plan to make changes in their daily routine to enjoy physical and mental well-being. This is not something I say, but a study from Stockholm University that showed that 33% of people’s annual goals are related to health.

As we might see in the CES 2022, there are more and more technological products focused on wellness. And Dyson is one of the brands that does the best when it comes to taking care of yourself and your family. Here are some tips to help you meet your 2022 resolutions from Dyson.

  • Breathe better this 2022: Although it is difficult to detect air pollutant particles such as mites, pollen, gases emitted by stoves and formaldehyde, you should know that they are present throughout your home and affect the well-being of your loved ones. That is why it is important to clean the air in your home with the help of air purifiers such as those from Dyson, which eliminate any allergens from the environment, maintaining air quality and eliminating bad odors.
  • Do deep cleanings throughout the year: Some people take advantage of the first days of the year to leave their home spotless, but it is not enough to do it annually, but to choose correctly the tools to do it, since brooms do not eliminate 100% elements such as mites in the air, according to American Lung Association.
  • Try new attachments when cleaning: Dust is one of the most common allergens in our homes and is made up of skin cells, pet remains, insect excrement, among other elements that can cause irritation in the respiratory tract and even worsen pre-existing conditions such as asthma. Keep him from concentrating and start using a vacuum cleaner like the Dyson Outsize Absolute to catch it in the most effective way, thanks to its Slim Fluffy Laser Head that has a laser that reveals microscopic dust that detects microscopic particles that cannot be seen with the naked eye and collects them without spreading them.
  • Let technology be your best friend: Dyson Purifiers can be connected to the Dyson Link application, which allows you to monitor the quality of the outdoor and indoor air on your smartphone, so you will have control and information of what sneaks into your spaces instantly.

In order to carry out these tips and improve your health in 2022, the ideal is to have a Dyson Outsize Absolute cordless vacuum cleaner to help you clean any type of surface. Also the Dyson Purifier Cool will allow your lungs to breathe clean air, especially if you live in the city. You can buy them in your website.



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