which also had to change on January 1, 2022

Beyond the ban on plastic packaging for certain fruits and vegetables, other measures provided for by the anti-waste law for a circular economy, promulgated in 2020, entered into force on 1is January 2022. In the plastic section, no more toys and other gadgets offered with the children’s menu in fast food chains. Exit, too, tea and herbal tea bags, unless they are “biodegradable”.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers The timid “revolution” of the end of plastic for fruits and vegetables

In order to reduce the use of plastic bottles – the objective is to halve it by 2030 – establishments accommodating more than 300 people must now provide the public with water fountains and bars and restaurants. must serve water free of charge, even without meals. Press editors must turn the page on the “blister pack”, those plastic films that wrap newspapers and magazines brought to the homes of their readers who still subscribe to the good old paper format.

” It is off the mark “

Another flagship measure of the anti-waste law is the ban on destroying unsold non-food items. This concerns in particular clothing and electrical and electronic equipment. Other products, including toys and books, will not be affected until 2024.

Also listen Plastic, from opportunity to disaster

Companies are required to reuse, by donating to associations, for example, reuse or recycle. On the repair front, suppliers must now inform the consumer regarding the availability of spare parts. An index of repairability and durability must therefore appear on electrical and electronic equipment. The repair fund, which must be supplemented by companies, has on the other hand fallen behind.

“With the anti-waste law, France is a pioneer in Europe in terms of intentions. But in the application, we are far from the account, because there is neither control nor sanction, comments Moïra Tourneur, from Zero Waste France. Certain prohibitions of the 1is January 2021 are still not respected: we still find expanded polystyrene kebab boxes or straws and stirrers in bars. “

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Despite the law, the take-out food packaging explosion persists



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