Li Lianglei slapped By2 sister Yumi in her face with a private message!Revealing the truth of “21-day confiscation of evidence”: must cooperate with the investigation | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Huang Weifen/Comprehensive Report

By2’s sister Yumi was involved in the marriage scandal between Leehom Wang and his ex-wife Li Lianglei, and was accused of being a mistress. It was even revealed that she took drugs to commit suicide and was silent for many days. The By2 studio made a big move on the evening of the 10th and marked Li Lianglei, writing, “Please cooperate with the police to complete the Regarding the criminal investigation and prosecution of your rumors and defamation,” I didn’t expect that Li Lianglei was caught out the next day and responded, saying that she had not received any contact from the other party at all, and even posted screenshots of private messages to prove it, causing heated discussions.

▲Li Lianglei sent a long post late at night on the 11th. (Picture / ETtoday data photo)

By2 Studio published a document on the 10th, publicly shouting at Li Jinglei, “It has been 21 days since Miss Li specifically asked for the police’s contact information, but the police have not been able to get in touch with you.” , please cooperate with the police to complete the criminal investigation and investigation of your rumors and defamation.” Unexpectedly, Li Jinglei surfaced immediately after a day, and directly posted the evidence of the accusation of slapping the two sisters in the face.

[廣告]Please read on…

▲By2 sent a message to Li Lianglei.  (Photo/Retrieved from Weibo/By2 Studio)

▲By2 sent a message to Li Lianglei. (Photo/Retrieved from Weibo/By2 Studio)

Li Jinglei wrote another long article on the evening of the 11th, talking about By2’s accusation, and admitted that there were 15.12 million unread messages in her private messages on Weibo. The choking sound of the two sisters was severely slapped in the face. Li Lianglei also said that all her past posts are “true” and that she will do her best to cooperate with the investigation and provide evidence to the police.

▲Li Lianglei posted a private message and slapped By2 sister Yumi in the face! Reveal the truth of

▲Li Lianglei posted a private message saying that she did not receive any contact from By2 at all. (Photo/Photo taken from Li Lianglei’s Instagram)

Finally, Li Lianglei shouted to Yumi, “It’s been three weeks since you and your girlfriends have released all kinds of news, and I hope it will stop here. Whether the threshold of being a public figure should be able to bring positive influence to society (or at least not bring negativity). affected people), it is worth thinking about”.

▲Li Lianglei posted a private message and slapped By2 sister Yumi in the face! Reveal the truth of

▲Li Lianglei called Yumi. (Picture / Retrieved from Yumi Instagram)

【Full text of Li Lianglei】

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has continued to send warm messages and cared about me to cheer me on during this period. When I feel sad, I will read it, and I will also gain a lot of comfort and courage from your words. When I received messages of condolences from relatives and friends, I didn’t know how to answer… Because during this period, I lived in purgatory every day and was physically and mentally exhausted.

I thought any kind of apology was a good start, and I thought people who did wrong would be willing to face their mistakes and seek forgiveness and then correct them. But I was wrong. In today’s society, when doing wrong, the way to face it is to intensify the bullying of the victims. One cry, two troubles, three hangs, use the power to use the relationship, and spend money to buy the Internet army, so that you can not only retreat, but also slander and criticize the victim. I faced the whole thing alone. I only have real experience, and my own computer and fingers.How to stand alone against powerful public figures and a team fighting for a huge economic system and interests I don’t know, but in any case, I will not choose to be as humble
bad way to deal with it.

After three weeks of silence, in addition to the endless stream of strange news every day, what I really need to face is the personal safety and mental abuse of my child and me. It turns out that the apology on the stage is not a sincere apology, but a means to temporarily calm public opinion and make me want to stop and let go of the past.

Our children, ignorant of what happened between us, have been living peaceful lives. The sadness of not having my father by my side, I experienced it myself. So what I’ve always wanted is for children to grow up in a normal environment with the healthy love of their parents. So I do everything I can to defend your relationship with your children, to make them feel that the spirit and love are with us even when Daddy is not there. This is the best proof just by looking at the child’s attitude and love for the father who has not been around for many years.

These days, as usual, we counted down the days when Dad finally came home, discussed what Dad could do together when he got home, and the children were all looking forward to seeing Dad when they woke up. After the children fell asleep, I asked you what time you would be home tomorrow, and you said, please ask me to ask the mediator in the United States. I said, can you just let me know? Because it’s very late, I’m tired and I want to go to bed, there is jet lag in the US, and the kids look forward to seeing you in the morning, so I don’t want their expectations to fail, please be sure to show up and let me know what time you’ll be there return. As a result, at 12:30 in the morning, I finally received a response from the mediator. He forwarded a message from you saying that you will bring two staff members that the children know well to your home in the morning. I’ve made it clear that I don’t think this arrangement is in the best interests of the child, you are welcome to go home alone, please do not bring anyone with you. Because the fact is that the children are not familiar with any of your staff members, and our private life is not intersected with the staff members. The children have only heard their names from you and have never played or got along with them, so your staff, yes Strangers to children. I think kids should be with you in a space where they can have privacy and feel comfortable, and don’t need anyone to come and watch in our house.

I waited until the morning to receive no reply, and I tossed and turned all night, not knowing what the situation would be like the next morning. When I woke up in the morning, I sent a message again to express that the child is looking forward to seeing you, only me and the child are at home, so please don’t bring anyone here (the agreement we signed is also clearly stipulated that the visiting time is anyone other than the two of us. people, all need our mutual consent to come to the house). You replied that you would bring two male staff members with you. I clearly refused and told you that I have a girl and three children at home. If you bring two male staff, I will feel safe. I hope we can put aside our own feelings for a while and focus on our children. Today, we are just for the sake of the children, simply being the parents of the children, and getting along with the children. In the end, you still ignored my objection, and without my consent, forcefully led two men to ring the bell. At this time, the children are very excited to welcome their father home. I beg you through the door to let the two men wait downstairs. You firmly disagree, threatening that if I don’t let you bring people in, you won’t go home to see the children.

At this time, you also made another request: ask me to remove the surveillance of the children at home before you enter the door. I beg you not to leave because it will be very sad if you leave the children, they have been expecting you to come home for a long time, please come in and see the children no matter what. I asked the two men to leave again, so that you can come in and see the children, you said that it is guaranteed that there are only these two men I know and no one else, please don’t worry (the two men also said yes, only us), and then asked again I unplugged the monitor. I said that I didn’t interact with these two privately except in the workplace, and I felt very uncomfortable in this situation. I ask you why you need to unplug the monitor, because if you are afraid of something, won’t the monitor also keep you safe? I felt very strange and began to feel scared. I also said that there were only me, three children, and a maid at home. Your actions made me very scared. You remain adamant that the two men will not leave. Then I looked at the surveillance and found that in addition to the two men you said you brought, there was also a man behind him who had never met (your staff also specifically instructed him to stand behind)! ! ! This creeps me out. You originally planned to break in directly with the key, and kept shaking the door. Fortunately, we have locked the door, otherwise I don’t know what you will do! Children, I saw all this and cried, and my hands were shaking until the night.

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You clearly know that doing such a thing will cause a head-on conflict in front of the child, why do you do it? What exactly are you trying to do? I can’t imagine it, it’s horrible. You also shared with me before that the closest staff member you have been around in recent years has a criminal record in Taiwan and is familiar with the underworld, and now he is back in Taipei, and he also tried to ask me to meet yesterday. Before that, you and the staff also released the news about your delay in defending just because I might commit suicide by jumping off the building. Here I want to make a solemn statement: I am healthy physically and mentally, and I have three such young children. I have many plans to contribute to society in the future, and it is absolutely impossible to have suicidal thoughts. If something happened to me, it would definitely not be suicide.

During this period, because of your various out-of-order behaviors, I have endured great mental pressure. In addition to taking children, I have to be like a goalkeeper every day, constantly using all my strength to resist your slander and harassment of me in various ways. You still don’t give up and pretend to be pitiful in front of your relatives and friends, trying to deceive their sympathy and use their mouths to spread false news to help yourself rehabilitate. In addition to your relatives and friends, you are constantly harassing people around me, trying to discredit me and fabricate false evidence. For example: I have arranged for you to have a video every day with your child, and the people around me have seen it, but at the same time you send a message to the people around you that you miss your child, I won’t let you watch the child, you call me Makes you look at the ground and other false accusations. I was forced by you to take the time to sort out the evidence that I was wronged. Lies that will be debunked at a glance, why do you keep telling them? The purpose is just to confuse the visual and mental abuse. There will always be some people who will believe in you and I will be exhausted physically and mentally by you.

In one video, you clearly knew that there were media downstairs at the time. You tried to convince the children to go to the first floor with you, and told the children that the media were shooting downstairs, but it didn’t matter. Dad was not afraid, you let them shoot. You are willing to do anything in order to save your own fame and fortune, regardless of the safety and situation of your children, right? Without the consent of my child and I, I shared the private video content of my child talking to you for 17 minutes, and passed it on to irrelevant people for no reason (I asked you, you can’t tell the reason), and exposed the child’s appearance without authorization. and privacy. Our children’s looks have never been revealed. This is why they can continue to live in peace without any bullying or interruptions. You told the media that the most important thing for you at this stage is your child, the same, I have heard it, but I have not seen it, what I see is in your eyes, and it is still only you. No mom would want to say something like that, but now I find that a dad who is mentally and physically unsound is more terrifying than an absent dad. I sincerely hope that you can wake up and not make mistakes again and again. Your current out-of-order behavior is no longer the behavior of a healthy person. For the sake of the child, I hope that you will be willing to face up to your own problems and accept professional assistance.

Very helpless, in the end the child is still involved in this storm, which is the last thing I want to see. I hope that the child can return to the original peaceful life and not be disturbed by any more. Regarding the statement made by the elders in your family about worrying about the children seeing the news, first of all, in order to slander my personality, it was not me, it was you and your father who did not hesitate to tell the child’s life experience so cruelly.

There are no perfect options in life, we can only make the best choices with limited resources. The choices I face are: 1- The child continues to grow up in an environment of mental violence and unprotected physical and mental health at such a young age or 2- The child grows up to face the news on the Internet. Our children have been living a very low-key life and have never been exposed, so there is still no problem of classmate bullying. Everyone is born with their own life issues to face. Even if it is not because of this incident, people of our generation will need to face bullying for various reasons, not just because of this incident. The question we need to think about is not whether there is a reason for children to be bullied, but how do we cultivate children’s psychological quality, so that they can have strong psychological quality and resilience, so that when they face life setbacks, they can rely on their own Strength to stand up. Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory. Whether you are happy or not depends not on what happened to you, but on your mentality and problem-solving ability. If we can see every challenge in life as God’s grace and an opportunity to grow, we won’t feel helpless or depressed whenever we encounter setbacks. Psychological quality has always been the most important thing for our family to educate children from birth, so I believe that our children will be able to face this event in their life in a healthy and healthy way. I also urge all the media and netizens, in the future, if you encounter children, please do not photograph them, so that they can keep their lives as private and safe as possible.

Finally, the reply to some other recent rumors is as follows:

1. Regarding the rumors that you have been accusing me of asking you for money in order to confuse the public, I have obtained evidence to prove that from the beginning to the end, I only asked to make proper arrangements for the physical and mental health of my children and to keep the quality of life unchanged. You want any more money. It’s also common for you and your father to specifically mention a night-time nanny several days a week, a maid, a driver—staffing that are already part of your child’s quality of life. We have safety concerns when going in and out, and there are drivers to protect the personal safety of children. Helpful servants and a night-time nanny for a few days allow me to have more quality quality company, education, and childcare safety. These, in the first place, should not be deprived of your own decision to live a single life.

2. About yesterday’s news: I thought it might be buried in 15.12 million new messages, but I couldn’t find it by searching (see video). The truth is, waited 21 days without waiting for any information from you. Everything I mentioned in the article is true, and I will do my best to cooperate with the investigation and provide evidence to the police. It’s been three weeks since you and your “girlfriend” released all kinds of news, and I hope this ends. Whether the threshold of public figures should be someone who can bring a positive impact on society (or at least someone who can not bring a negative impact), it is worth thinking about.

Li Lianglei

● “ETtoday News Cloud” reminds you, please give yourself the opportunity to:
Suicide prevention consultation and safety line: 1925; Lifeline consultation line: 1995

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