Relay in the presidency of Renault-Sofasa, Ariel Montenegro arrives

Scope of the takeover bid for Sura and Nutresa

On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, the deadlines set for the shareholders of Sura and Nutresa interested in selling their participation in those companies, accept the offers launched by the Gilinski Group. With the data available until this weekend and with the acceptance of the acceptances received by the Colombian Stock Exchange, a shakeup is imminent in the boards of directors of the financial and food conglomerates. For some academics it is undeniable that, regardless of what the result of the offers is, there will be changes in the

organization and actions of the Antioqueño Business Group (GEA), a situation that constitutes a call to the Paisa business community to reflect and anticipate the circumstances; but at the same time, opportunities may arise from which new and superior benefits can be obtained for small shareholders and for the development of the country. And they add that beyond economic interests, the GEA is part of a solid network of organizations that works for the development of human capital, savings, education, and investment promotion.

Energy needed from Ituango

Of the $ 21.8 billion budget that EPM has available for this year, a portion will be destined to advance in the construction of the Ituango hydroelectric project, with the goal of starting to generate energy with its first two turbines in the second half of 2022. ¿ You’ll make it? In its financial report as of September of the previous year, EPM noted that “This start-up date is very dynamic, due to the changes that occur in the technical variables, the evolution and efficiency of the measures implemented to attend the contingency and the effects that the covid-19 pandemic may cause in the project ”.

For its part, EPM’s fiscal auditor, Deloitte, indicated that the company continues to monitor the evolution of the project and take all pertinent measures and actions to identify and recognize the accounting effects caused by the contingency and the actions of the environmental authorities. . “The final result of the impacts on the financial position, operations and cash flows is uncertain, and will depend on the evolution of these events until the end of the project,” it was added.

Orbis will have a European owner

In the middle of this year, the operation through which AkzoNobel Coatings International will take over the Orbis Group businesses will be perfected: Pintuco in all the geographies in which it is present, Andercol Colombia, Poliquim Ecuador and Mundial.

These companies, as of September 2021, posted sales of $ 1.08 billion, growing by 49% compared to the same period of the year.

2020, and its profit totaled $ 39,595 million.

The business of food additives, complementary polyester products in Brazil, as well as pipes and poles (O-tek), mass consumption, and some real estate assets are excluded from the operation. These activities were separated from the transaction with AkzoNobel and obtained sales of $ 408,506 million, between January and September 2021.

Orbis’s main shareholders include Fundación Saldarriaga Concha (12.85%), Cuatro Haches (8.19%) and Jacaranda Hoyos y Cía (7.67%). Although the share of this company is listed on the BVC, it is low trading, the last operation was reported in June 2014, when it was quoted at $ 49,029.

Female leadership would come to ISA

The last year marked a “change of owner” for Interconectado Eléctrica (ISA), since 51.41% of the shares held by the Ministry of Finance passed into the hands of Ecopetrol in a $ 14.2 billion operation. Once that payment was made, in August, the president of the energy transporter, Bernardo Vargas, announced his resignation, and to replace him the headhunting firm Spencer Stuart Andina began a process that has not yet produced results. Vargas himself in statements to this newspaper has indicated that “hopefully (his replacement is a woman.” For his part, Felipe Bayón, president of Ecopetrol and member of the ISA board of directors, has said that what they want is “to take the best decision”.

Given the expectation that has arisen for 5 months due to this change, the rattle of candidates goes through the names of María Nohemi Arboleda, current manager of XM, the ISA subsidiary that operates and manages the Colombian energy market; Cecilia Maya, Financial Manager of the same company; and even the former Minister of Mines, María Fernanda Suárez, although she was appointed in September as president of Accenture in Colombia.

Coltejer, start in we will see

After announcing the temporary closure of its production plants in Itagüí, south of the metropolitan area, the company announced the appointment as director of Mexican engineer Alfredo Mora Arana, following the position was vacant for several months. Additionally, a series of negotiations began with urban developers who presented two real estate projects on part of the land occupied by the textile company in Itagüí, and progress was made in moving the machinery to Rionegro, in eastern Antioquia. Although to date the company has not specified when it will reactivate its work, Rigoberto Sánchez Guzmán, president of the sub-directorate of Sintracontexa Itagüí-Rionegro, said that since the end of December a workers’ compensation plan began. “Those who had the suspended contract are called to reach an agreement, which consists of canceling 70% of what they stopped paying in 2021,” said the union leader, who added that at least 100 workers they have accepted the proposal. “There is no hope of resuming activities,” he said.

REPORT Forecasts at the beginning of the year

· In December, the growth forecast for the Colombian economy for 2021 was 9.55% (Fedesarrollo’s Financial Opinion Survey).

· The growth forecast of the analysts consulted for 2022 was 4.0%.

· In turn, the ranking of the most attractive stock market shares to invest in is Grupo Sura, followed by Bancolombia, ISA, Grupo Nutresa and Ecopetrol.




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