Pierre Urbain, former general manager of Boussu and Mons, has died

His disappearance should, without a doubt, mark more than one Boussutois. Pierre Urbain, former director general of the borough municipality, has indeed died of illness. At the request of the current mayor, Jean-Claude Debiève (PS), the latter resumed his duties in Boussu in September 2020 as an employee. Officially retired, he worked 19 hours a week and acted as coordinator between the mayor and the two acting directors general.

Weakened lately, Pierre Urbain has just bowed out. The man’s professional career had been particularly eventful. After his time in Boussu, he had been director general of the city of Mons but had experienced many legal setbacks and had therefore been suspended by the city in 2013. Along with several other people, he had been charged with abuse trust, participation in a criminal organization and breaches of legislation on banking intermediation.

A one-month suspended prison sentence was finally pronounced once morest him in March 2019 by the Mons correctional court. He had been found guilty of having embezzled paintings to the detriment of an old lady for whom he had the provisional administration. For the rest, the court had pronounced acquittals or noted the prescription of the facts.

Apart from his professional duties, Pierre Urbain was also and above all very attached to the Francs Borains football club. The latter posted a tribute message this Tuesday morning. “A behind-the-scenes icon. The Francs Borains have lost a staunch supporter, a long-term leader, an effective man behind the scenes.”, writes the club on its Facebook page. “The epic of 85, he was already there as an already influential supporter. Tears in his eyes at Saint-Charles during a crazy quarter-final once morest Seraing. Since then, he was with us, weekdays like every Saturday or Sunday . “

“(…) He has served the club, his” mistress “, internally as a manager and externally to harmonize his club and his city, his two permanent favorites. At home and on the move, in the management committee or as a simple leader, he served the good cause Franc Boraine. (…) His human intelligence made the club grow, defused conflicts, reconciled points of view, repatriated skills. For all this and much more, Pierre deserves his statue virtual. We would put it halfway between Saint-Charles and Vedette. 40 years of unconditional service. Celebrate or cry. Sincere condolences to those close to him. “

Jean-Claude Debiève, mayor: “I am losing a guide, an advisor”

In recent weeks, the Boussutois’ state of health had particularly deteriorated, unfortunately leaving his relatives with little hope of improvement. The mayor of Boussu, Jean-Claude Debiève (PS), said he was extremely touched and saddened by the death of the one who had agreed to return to Boussu, in September 2020, as a collaborator.

For the whole municipality and for me, it is an immeasurable loss “, underlines the mayor. “I would sometimes make him walk a little, telling him that he had already left me once, that I hoped he wouldn’t do it a second time… Even if at the time, I understood and approved everything. leaves for the city of Mons. When he returned to Boussu, at my request, he was already ill. But we remained hopeful of a favorable outcome. “

In love with his town, Pierre Urbain put his experience at the service of the mayor. “He returned with enthusiasm and advised me as best he might, never overstepping his role. His return has done the municipal organization a lot of good. He put his intelligence at the service of the citizens and shared with me a common desire, that of moving forward and revitalizing Boussu and Hornu. “

Very affected, Jean-Claude Debiève has remained alongside his friend in recent weeks. “It was very difficult, he was in great pain and worried regarding what his condition meant for those close to him. But he showed incredible courage and continued to talk regarding the town, not regarding him. Today it is truly a loss. I am deprived of a guide, an advisor, a person of good sense. “

And if the legal setbacks of Pierre Urbain tarnished his reputation, the mayor never wanted to hold it once morest him. “Much has been said without ever being proven. The justice delivered its verdict and an appeal procedure was still underway. Pierre has always claimed his innocence and I made the choice to believe him. “



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