Airbus increases its deliveries by 8% to 611 orders

The company “monitors” the evolution of the omicron variant in China due to its high presence in the country

The aircraft manufacturer European Airbus delivered 611 aircraft in 2021, 8% more than the machines delivered the previous year, as revealed by the company this Monday. Most of the increase is explained by the A320s, which were the most requested aircraft (483 machines), which grew by 8.2% compared to the previous year. On the other hand, 50 models of the A220 family (+ 31.6%), 18 A330 (-5.2%), 55 A350 (-6.8%) and 5 A380 were delivered, one less than the previous year.

“The year has seen significant orders from airlines around the world, indicating confidence in the sustainable growth of air travel following COVID-19,” said the CEO of Airbus, Guillaume Faury. “Although they still exist uncertainties, we are on track to increase production in 2022 to meet the needs of our customers, “he added.

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Also, near the 25% of commercial aircraft in 2021 they were delivered through the established process of “electronic delivery“, which allows customers to receive their aircraft with minimal equipment travel needs. During the period Airbus doubled its gross orders compared to 2020, with 771 new sales (507 net) in all programs and market segments.

The CEO of Airbus, Guillaume Faury, and the commercial director and head of Airbus International, Christian Scherer, have assured in a press conference that the company is “monitoring” what happens in China in relation to the expansion of the omicron variant. “At the moment we do not see dysfunctions or risks, but we are monitoring the situation because we have a strong presence in China“They have said. Airbus has more than 1,900 employees in the Asian country and more than 1,700 commercial aircraft in service, and deliveries to the country represent almost a quarter of its total production.




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