Presidential 2022: Pécresse qualifies as “non-event” the rallying of Peltier to Zemmour

No more disturbed than that. The LR presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse estimated Monday that the rallying to Éric Zemmour of the ex-number 2 of LR Guillaume Peltier was “a non-event” because “it has been months since he had left us in his head “. The deputy of Loir-et-Cher “wanted to make a coup de com” following having supported Xavier Bertrand, then Eric Ciotti during the last week of the primary of the right but “no one had confidence in him”, a- she added on franceinfo.

The former number 2 of LR, stripped of any leadership position last May, “was terribly isolated” and “those who support Guillaume Peltier never win the elections,” she said.

Asked regarding the possibility of rallying to Emmanuel Macron, as predicted by Guillaume Peltier, she assured that “this scenario will not occur because I will be in the second round and I will win this presidential election”. “The real right is me”, she assured, “not a commentator who will not be in the second round”. As for Marine Le Pen, “nobody seriously thinks that she can lead France”, according to her.

Valérie Pécresse, however, estimated that “anyone who represents a real current of thought must be able to run” for the presidential election, “this is obviously the case with Eric Zemmour”. But a mayor LR supporting Eric Zemmour “excludes himself” from the party, she warned.

“Pécresse resembles Macron in so many ways”

For his part, questioned a little later in the morning on BFMTV, Guillaume Peltier did not mince his words either on his ex-favorite in the race for the Elysee. Thus, the ex-n ° 2 of LR notably declared that “Valérie Pécresse resembles in so many points to Emmanuel Macron” that a rupture is not possible to “turn the page of macronism”.

Affirming also to have taken this decision “without any bitterness”, the future spokesperson for the campaign of Eric Zemmour also explained to have “never met or discussed with Marine Le Pen” before deciding to join the former polemicist.

A change of political house that the deputy Loir-et-Cher considers to be “faithful to (his) convictions”, explaining that Eric Zemmour is “an extraordinary chance to save France”.



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