Woman in Schweinfurt bites the policeman in the leg: Thousands of people demonstrate against the Corona policy – politics

Nationwide, people in numerous cities protested once more on Monday evening once morest the corona policy and a possible vaccination requirement. The demonstrations were largely peaceful, as the police in the various cities announced.

In Bautzen however, at least three police officers were injured. The officers were thrown with cobblestones and bottles. A total of around 500 people have moved through the city. Around 150 to 200 of them were violent hooligans and people from the radical right-wing milieu.

There were larger gatherings in Rostock, Schwerin, Cottbus, Halle, Nuremberg, Bamberg, Augsburg and Magdeburg. Around 15,000 people protested at 20 locations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and around 17,300 in Thuringia. In Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg, too, the assemblies received a large number of visitors. In Rostock police used pepper spray as protesters tried to break barriers.

In Cologne About 1,500 protesters took to the streets on Monday evening in Lübeck at two meetings almost 1300, in Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt almost 1800. Meanwhile, the seven-day incidence in Lübeck jumped the 1000 mark – the Hanseatic city currently has the third highest incidence in a nationwide comparison of the districts.

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During an unannounced protest march in Cottbus regarding 3000 people through the city center. A police spokesman reported that some people from the right-wing extremist scene were among the participants. The police in Brandenburg recorded criminal charges for violating the Assembly Act at meetings that were not registered.

In Potsdam the police had banned a gathering of critics of the Corona policy in advance because of an immediate threat to public safety and order – on Monday evening, hundreds of people demonstrated in the city center. Also in Berlin was demonstrated in several places, according to the police, there were initially no major disruptions or clashes.

[Lesen Sie auch: Protest nördlich von Berlin: Coronademonstranten hadern mit Rechtsextremen bei ihrer Kundgebung (T+)]

One of the largest demonstrations with regarding 3900 participants took place in Nürnberg instead of. In Bamberg around 2400 people came in Augsburg 2000. According to the police, a Nazi salute is now being investigated in the Swabian city. In Schweinfurt bit a 51-year-old woman in the leg.

In Fulda According to the police, up to a thousand people were traveling unannounced in Hesse, including in Wangen in the Allgäu as in Regensburg gathered regarding a thousand people. In the Hessian Bad Nauheim the police found the personal details of three women who distributed stickers with the likeness of the Federal Minister of Health as a skull, as announced by the Central Hesse police headquarters.

Counter-protest is forming in Leipzig and Bavaria

In Saxony, demonstrations once morest the corona policy took place in Dresden, Zwickau, Görlitz, Chemnitz and Freiberg, among others. In Freiberg According to initial estimates, around 700 people gathered who repeatedly evaded the police, said a police spokesman.

When the officers formed a lock with vehicles at one location, there was a breakthrough of regarding 100 people. A police vehicle was damaged. The spokesman said that there was an increased potential for violence.

Here and there counter-protest also formed – for example in Leipzig, where almost 300 people gathered at the place that the opponents of the measure otherwise use. Several demos were reported from Bavaria that campaigned for the corona vaccination. “Corona makes you sick. Thinking outside the box makes you stupid, ”was in Bayreuth read on banners.



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