Caring for people’s well-being, the most important business strategy

The workers are the heart of any company. Ensuring that they have the greatest well-being, both physical and emotional, and creating lasting bonds is essential to achieve economic and social advancement. Aware of this, Mahou San Miguel has been putting people at the center of its strategy for years. Throughout its history, it has demonstrated this with its customers, and last year it turned to the hospitality industry and allocated more than 200 million euros to contribute to its reactivation following the pandemic. Now, he is focusing on the workers who have contributed to positioning the company as a leader in the sector in our country.

Mahou San Miguel is not new to taking actions to improve the lives of its employees. It was one of the companies pioneers in implementing a physical activity program. For this, it has created Health Spaces in work centers so that employees can exercise, completely free of charge and with the advice of professionals. In addition, each year it develops health surveillance programs.

As in so many other things, the pandemic changed everything, so in the last year it has had to adapt these exercise programs to the format online. In this way, anyone who wants to can stay in shape from home. Taking advantage of this advance in digitization, it has also created leisure and activity programs that can be carried out as a family from any location and has strengthened communications to the entire workforce on aspects related to healthy eating.

In addition to being a challenge for everyone, the pandemic has also put our mental health to the test. For this reason, the beer company has focused more than ever on promoting the emotional well-being. The Happiness Area, made up of a specialized team, has carried out different initiatives that help its professionals to promote this fundamental psychic aspect. They have reinforced psychological support programs and they measure, through constant surveys, the perception that people have regarding their own physical and mental state and their opinion on relevant topics in this field.

The Happiness Area team is in charge of focusing on the main issues that concern professionals from an emotional point of view and offer them alternatives to solve them. At the group level, every day is organized sessions of mindfulness both face-to-face and online and all meetings are encouraged to start with a mindful breathing exercise to promote a better work environment.

More reconciliation

Without a doubt, another of the key points to improve the well-being of workers is to facilitate work-life balance. Thanks to the aforementioned surveys, the brewery has found that working from home can make work hours are lengthened, having a negative impact on workers and their environment.

To solve this problem, it has relaunched its program for the rational use of digital devices, especially outside of working hours. As complying with the right to digital disconnection is everyone’s business, he has asked the organization’s managers to encourage rational days among their teams. The message is clear: at home you work the same hours as at the office.

Thanks to these types of actions, the company is among the 37 companies, internationally, that receive the highest grade in conciliation as a Family Responsible Company. This ranking is prepared by the Fundación Más Familia, an independent body that accredits and audits the good practices implemented in companies to promote work-life balance.

Training, key to the future

Last but not least, Mahou San Miguel’s people-centered strategy is committed to facilitate and promote the training of its professionals so they can grow professionally and personally. To do this, the brewery is developing a plan that responds to the concerns of each worker, who can choose the training initiatives that interest him the most.

Last year it allocated more than 1.2 million euros for staff development and more than 71,000 hours of training were given. These plans are designed so that each professional can learn in a way online, accessing content from mobile applications remotely. This encourages self-learning through multichannel channels and gives maximum flexibility to each student to do it at their own pace and at the times with the greatest availability.

In this same terrain are the webinars: programs that take advantage of the knowledge of Mahou San Miguel’s own professionals. In them, internal experts in different fields explain guidelines and possibilities for professional growth within the digital environment. With this, they dynamize relationships between teams and foster a model that values ​​the most important thing: people.




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