Certificate and vaccination card What is the difference?

Do not be confused and leave doubts! If you want to know the difference between the certificate and vaccination card, here we clarify the doubts. This is a document that is being requested, on a mandatory basis, to enter certain places of essential and non-essential activities as well as in ground transportation in three modalities: interprovincial, intraprovincial and tourism.

The Municipalities will be in charge of issuing their protocols or adapting those of the National Transit Agency (ANT) to implement this requirement in urban buses. Well, it is not the responsibility of that institution to determine it, although an appeal has been made to the GAD’s.

In the Single Portal of Citizen Procedures, the differences are explained:

Vaccination card

The vaccination card is the physical document that you were given at the time of receiving the vaccine. It details the vaccination center where you received the formula, your information such as name, identity card and age, what vaccine you received depending on the pharmacist, when you received the first and second doses, the batch of the vaccine and who gave you the injection.

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Certificate and vaccination

The certificate is a digital file that contains information regarding the vaccine received with a QR code. This can be scanned on any smartphone.

The code contains information on the user’s vaccination such as name, identification number, vaccine received, dates and other information.

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Although the card and the certificate have similar information regarding the vaccine that the person received, the QR code (which appears on the certificate) provides more assurance.

The Minister of Health, Ximena Garzón, indicated that she has asked her computer team to work on a smaller format of the vaccination certificate since the current size is an A4 PDF.

Both the certificate and the vaccination card are documents that you can present in the places where you are required to do so.

  • Login to https://certificados-vacunas.msp.gob.ec/
  • Put your identification (identity card or passport) in the first strip.
  • In the second strip write your date of birth. Remember that the year, month and day must be separated with this symbol (-). Example 1991-05-19.
  • Click search.
  • The information will appear in a yellow box in which it is detailed if the person is vaccinated, what type of formula was applied and the dates of each dose.
  • Press accept and you’re done. Your certificate will be in a document in PDF format. Even a QR code.

If the person has just been vaccinated, the system must update the information and therefore wait for this to happen to obtain the certificate.

In December, the Ministry of Public Health made a formal complaint to the State Attorney General’s Office for alleged falsification and use of false documents. These are related to the vaccination cards or certificates once morest COVID-19. There are four people suspected of using and facilitating its delivery.



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