Macron unrolls his proposals on security, Pécresse wishes Zemmour “good luck” … The political recap of the day

Le World keeps the logbook of the 2022 presidential election campaign: a daily update is published every evening at 7 p.m. and reviews the political facts of the past day and discusses the upcoming meetings.

  • News of the day: Emmanuel Macron unveils his proposals on security

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron (center), during his speech in Nice, January 10, 2022.

With less than three months of the presidential election, security returns as one of the central themes of the campaign. Generalization of fixed fines, doubling of the police presence in transport, training in cybersecurity… Emmanuel Macron detailed Monday, January 10, in Nice, his proposals, although he is not yet officially a candidate. In front of elected officials and associations, the President of the Republic reiterated his intention to want “Double the police on the ground by 2030”.

Among the myriad of proposals, Emmanuel Macron announced in particular a generalization of tort lump sum fines for offenses punishable by sentences of less than one year in prison. The Head of State intends to double the police presence in transport and said he wanted to triple the fine for street harassment to 300 euros, an act which will be described as “Misdemeanor”. In August 2018, a sexist contempt offense was created by law to punish street harassment, but without making it a crime.

So many devices that might be integrated into the future security text for the years 2022-2027, for which Emmanuel Macron plans to present a bill to the Council of Ministers in March – with a view to potential adoption following the ‘presidential election. An increase in the security budget would be provided, of fifteen billion euros over five years, or, according to the Elysee, a 25% increase in the current budget.

Eric Ciotti, a member of the department and “adviser to the authorities” of the candidate of the Republican party, Valérie Pécresse, strongly disliked this trip to the Alpes-Maritimes. Mr. Ciotti was not present, as is the Republican tradition, to welcome the President of the Republic, and at the same time he went to the prison of Nice. “Macron’s failure in terms of security is that of the bankruptcy of the ‘at the same time’ security”, criticized the deputy earlier in an interview to Figaro. “Emmanuel Macron left society to run wild and will leave the French with a France Clockwork Orange », still estimated the finalist of the LR congress.

Read also In Nice, Emmanuel Macron presents his proposals on security; the right attacks its balance sheet
  • Quote of the day: Valérie Pécresse charges Guillaume Peltier

“I wish good luck [à Eric Zemmour] because in general those whom Guillaume Peltier supports do not win the elections. ”

“It’s a non-event for us. “ LR candidate Valérie Pécresse tried on Monday to downplay the rallies of the rally of Guillaume Peltier, former party vice-president and Loir-et-Cher MP, to far-right candidate Eric Zemmour. “It’s been months since he left us in his head”, she continued on Franceinfo, before launching ironically: “I wish good luck [à Eric Zemmour] because in general those whom Guillaume Peltier supports do not win the elections. “

The deputy of Loir-et-Cher “Wanted to do a comedy” following having supported Xavier Bertrand, then Eric Ciotti a week before the right-wing congress, but “Nobody trusted him anymore”, she added. The deputy for Loir-et-Cher, who left the LR group in the National Assembly on Monday, had announced his rallying to Mr. Zemmour the day before. “I made the decision to support the only candidate of the right, the only candidate faithful to the values ​​of the RPR, the only candidate capable of beating Emmanuel Macron because capable of bringing together all the voters of the right”, he told CNews and Europe 1.

  • The proposal of the day: Anne Hidalgo outlines her health program

The socialist candidate will present her full program, Thursday, January 13, but has already unveiled, Monday, her proposals for health in an interview with Parisian. New training objectives for nurses and doctors, change in fee-for-service, creation of a status of “assistant doctor” … The candidate of the Socialist Party detailed her project Monday morning, estimating that “The problem of medical deserts” is “At the source of the hospital’s problems” and “We need not only a sufficient number of practitioners, but also that they be better trained”.

Read also Anne Hidalgo unveils her proposals on health and promises more and better trained nurses and doctors

She commits to “Stop closing” hospitals if elected in April 2022 and proposes new training objectives: “25,000 more nurses and orderlies per year, 1,250 midwives and 5,000 logisticians”, as well as “15,000 additional doctors per year once morest 8,000 today”. The mayor of Paris also wishes to create a statute of “Assistant doctor”, ensuring final year interns deployed in “Territories in tension” a remuneration “Equivalent to double today, or around 3,500 euros per month”, to compensate for the medical desertification of certain rural areas.

  • The day when… Jean-Marie Le Pen opposes “French France” to “foreign France”

In this political recap devoted to the news of the electoral campaign, we will also evoke the past by returning every day to the highlights of the last presidential elections through an article in the World. Today, let’s look back thirty-four years … January 10, 1988.

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In an article entitled ““ French France ” once morest“ foreign France ”, the journalist Pierre Servent returns to the national convention of the National Front which brought together three thousand people in Nice around Jean-Marie Le Pen. On the menu for this convention: organization of the upcoming presidential election, ceremony at the war memorial or even the release of balloons and paratroopers. “The French will have to say whether they are for French France or for foreign France”, notably launched the founder of the National Front, which then sports a new look making “Irresistibly thinking of”son of the people“Maurice Thorez”, explains Mr. Servent.

The latter also tells that Mr. Le Pen presented during this convention his “Little blue book” Who “Provides the one hundred and thirty definitions of the FN candidate for the presidential election on various political, sociological and moral subjects”. We can read in particular: “Fascism: avatar of socialism”, “Jews: I am not an anti-Semite but, as I said, I believe I can express myself on this subject” or ” Racism : doctrine denying the right of peoples to be themselves. The French are today the main victims in their own country ».

  • On the program Tuesday January 11:

The vaccination pass studied in the Senate. After an eventful examination in the National Assembly, disturbed in particular by the interview of Emmanuel Macron at the Parisian, the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass arrives at first reading in the Senate Tuesday from 2:30 p.m. “I would like the Senate to vote on this amended text”, has already announced the president of the Palais du Luxembourg, Gérard Larcher, in an interview with Figaro.

The presidential election under Covid-19. While France is affected by the fifth wave forcing many candidates to postpone their meetings, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, meets at 11 a.m. Tuesday, for the first time, the commission responsible for organizing the campaign under Covid-19. This body is made up of the leaders of political parties, as well as the declared candidates for the presidential election.

Threats once morest elected officials, the executive is mobilized. Faced with the multiplication of attacks and threats once morest elected officials, in particular from opponents of the government’s health policy once morest Covid-19, the President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, brings together, Tuesday evening, the Interior and Justice Ministers, Gérald Darmanin and Eric Dupond-Moretti, to take stock of the number of cases identified and the legal response to be provided.



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