An ever-increasing number of contaminations to start the year

the Covid-19 does not have to do
good wishes. While it is customary to wish each other good health at the start of the year, the virus continues its meteoric progression in

As proof, with an incidence rate measured at 2,810 cases per 100,000 inhabitants between December 27 and January 2, the region has experienced the highest value since the start of the epidemic, according to Public Health France.

A 20.8% positivity rate

The public institute even adds that the situation might continue to climb due to “an increase in social contacts linked to the end of year celebrations, a decrease in the population’s support for barrier measures, a vaccination coverage still incomplete and the strong diffusion of the Omicron variant ”.

As the screening rate reached its highest value ever, the positivity rate soared to 20.5% during the last few days of 2021 and the first of 2022.

Omicron keeps hitting young people

Since the appearance du variant Omicron, it is young people, the 15-44 year olds who are the most affected, adds Public Health France. A variant which represents 89.6% of the interpretable results of screening tests.

If the vaccination campaign continues to advance, there is still progress to be made since all ages combined, 74.1% of Ile-de-France residents had received a dose, in this week 52, once morest 73% with two doses and “only” 34, 5% with the booster dose.

32% more deaths

If these figures can be slightly put into perspective by the very large number of screenings carried out during this holiday season, they still show a very strong virality of the Omicron variant.

The wave of the Omicron variant continues to increase its pressure on hospital since 2,681 new hospitalizations took place between December 27 and January 2, an increase of 44% compared to the previous week. This figure translates into an increase in critical care admissions, which also increased by 11% over the same period, to reach 467 patients.

Also, 235 people died of Covid-19 died in hospitals in the region at the end of the year. This is 32% more than the previous week (178).



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