Río Negro stops testing people with mild symptoms and close contacts

Río Negro will stop testing people with mild symptoms of coronavirus and those who are considered close contacts in its hospitals. Swabs will be performed only on people over 60 years of age, those who are part of risk groups and those who present with moderate, severe or hospitalization conditions.

The decision was confirmed moments ago by government authorities to BLACK RIVER, following two tables began to circulate that explain to the Health schools how they should act from now on in the face of the new wave of infections.

The new guide for dealing with each situation has its starting point in the definition of the symptoms of covid-19. Fever of 37.5 or more, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, muscle pain, diarrhea / vomiting, rhinitis / nasal congestion, loss of taste or smell they will be the indicators to consider that you are facing a suspicious case.

Once one or more of these indicators have been certified, the next step will be to verify the age and medical history of the patient, reserving only for the three groups mentioned the possibility of accessing a test. Within this point, the official information details that “moderate or severe symptom or hospitalization criteria” means when the person arrives at a health center with shortness of breath, cyanosis, or chest pain.

If you are not older than 60 years, are not part of a risk group or do not have moderate or severe symptoms, the recommendation of the doctors will be the autoaislamiento, for a period of time that will vary according to the vaccination scheme that the patient has.

Will be seven days for people with two doses and 10 days for those who are not vaccinated or have the incomplete schedule.

For the close contacts, the indication will remain in a criterion that is already applied: do not test if symptoms of the disease do not appear.

The measures – which the province’s Ministry of Health will make official during the next few hours – were prepared on the basis of an official document from the Nation, which was released to the provinces last Thursday.

There it is indicated that “given the current epidemiological situation, with high viral circulation, the recommendations for study and confirmation of cases are adapted, in a manner analogous to those implemented in situations of other outbreaks or epidemics. In this context, the importance of confirming cases by clinical and epidemiological criteria and optimizing the use of resources is highlighted ”.

It is also clarified that “the present ones are transitional measures and subject to modification according to the different epidemiological scenarios ”.

For those who self-isolate and present symptoms compatible with covid-19, have had close contact with a confirmed case, are under 60 years of age and do not present risk factors, it was defined that they should “Self-report through the Caring app”.

“To do this, you must carry out a self-diagnosis indicating the symptoms. If the person indicates that they have compatible symptoms and have had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 within 10 days of the onset of symptoms, the application will be blocked and the case will be sent to the National Health Surveillance System with the classification Case confirmed by clinical-epidemiological criteria by self-report (CUIDAR) ”, states the official document.

The chart prepared by the Río Negro Ministry of Health for the actions of its teams in the event of suspicious cases.
The chart prepared by the Río Negro Ministry of Health for the performance of its teams in the face of close contacts.



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