[Focus on Yahoo Today]6 new cases of local peach machine epidemic expand further

Yahoo’s focus today is “6 new cases of local peach machine epidemic expanded furtherThe 10 news items that netizens are most concerned regarding and discussed today are as follows:

6 new cases of local peach machine epidemic expanded further

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today that 32 new cases of new coronary pneumonia have been confirmed, including 6 local cases and 26 overseas immigrations. The preliminary research and judgment of local cases are related to the Taoyuan International Airport epidemic, including…<Full text

The results of the screening of nearly 9,000 people in Taoji are released

When Chen Shizhongjin inspected Taoyuan International Airport, he said that there were 3 people diagnosed with COVID-19 as a result of the nucleic acid test of 8924 people in Taoji. Wang Bisheng, commander of the Taoji forward command post, said that the screening has been expanded in the past two days…<Full text

I can’t help but hit back with the bombing commander’s rage

There is a new wave of local Omicron epidemic in Taoji, and the number of confirmed cases is increasing every day. Some epidemic prevention measures including wearing masks and detouring have been tightened once more, but will it further evolve to “restaurants banned for internal use”… <Full text

5 schools closed due to outbreak in Taoji

An employee of Taoyuan International Airport was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia. The employee’s child was studying at a national high school in Guishan District, Taoyuan City, and the school suspended classes for half a day following noon. Taoyuan today suspended 2 elementary schools for 14 days…<Full text

The worst case is exposed by the doctor: no need for Chinese New Year

Chen Changyu, a physician from the Zhongxiao Hospital of Taipei City United Medical College, stated on Facebook yesterday that it is understandable that the command center does not want to block the border and wants the people of the country to come back for the New Year. The whole people are happy, but this is a kind of tightrope…<Full text

Doctor: Omicron only gives 3 days

Physician Shen Zhengnan said in a Facebook post that the most noteworthy at present is the cart and the servant family, because in addition to the infant who was diagnosed yesterday, another elementary school child of them was also diagnosed at midnight. Shen…<Full text

Election lose-lose is silent for 1 day, Zhu Lilun speaks

The election results of the second legislature by-election and Lin Changzuo’s removal case are not good for Lan Ying. After a day of silence, Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun finally showed up this morning and said that any failure should be carried on one shoulder, but for democracy…<Full text

“50 tables become 500 lunch boxes” may just be the beginning

The local epidemic broke out once more, and the catering industry’s largest period of “tail teeth and furnace stalls” was the first to bear the brunt. The Shuangbei Hotel owner revealed that they had received a call to inquire regarding the planned filing of an epidemic escalation last week, but they should wait and see more…<Full text

Follow the epidemic and adjust the footsteps of the Quanlian and other 20 places included

The Taoyuan City Government today announced the footprints of the latest confirmed cases, reminding people whose location and time overlap. The 7 cases went to the Quanlian Zhongli Yuanhua Store, Zhongli Renhai Palace and Dayuan from the followingnoon to the evening of January 3…<Full text

No lunch is allowed

This year, the Ministry of National Defense will try out a new backup teaching system of “training every year, 14 days at a time.” The first wave will be implemented in March. The Minister of National Defense Qiu Guozheng ordered that the first wave of troops in the North, Central, and South will choose each…<Full text

“Yahoo Focus of the Day” gathers the news that netizens pay the most attention to and discussed the most today. It will be presented completely at once, and published on time at 8 o’clock every evening.




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