Win the Children’s Lottery and you will be able to pay the mortgage and take care of your mother with Alzheimer’s

Juan Jiménez was the first to approach Administration number six in Logroño, which sold El Gordo de El Niño in its entirety, showing his number with great joy: he had been buying it for “at least” twenty years and you will pay the mortgage with him.

Juan is 45 years old, he has not received anything for four years and, at the moment, he is taking care of his mother, with Alzheimer’s, and a brother who is also dependent.

While he was speaking with the journalists, the person in charge of the Administration told him: “Keep the number well.” Juan mightn’t believe it, was “in a cloud”, as he has related. They are 200,000 euros and you do not have to share it with anyone. “It is the first time that I have touched me, I have never touched anything.”




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