Head of the Corona Control Committee: 3 drugs to treat the virus will be available in the market by the end of January

Hossam Hosny, Chairman of the Scientific Committee to Combat Virus CoronaThe Omicron mutant is rapidly spreading, indicating that its symptoms are not very different from those of the common cold.

He added, during a telephone interview with the media, Azza Mustafa, on the “Tahrir Hall” program, that some of those infected with the new mutation showed a change in the color of the tongue (it tends to brown due to infection with the virus), explaining that some infections may lead to rashes as well, pointing out that this period It will have an increase in the number of injuries; Because of the change in the weather, and because this period is the period of the spread of viruses, he calls for complete caution during the coming period and for proper ventilation, and distance from gathering places..

He added that the increase in infections is related to gatherings, stressing that the elderly and those with chronic diseases must be more careful, and receive vaccines that have effectiveness for this mutant, “it is possible to be infected, and the infection is not large.”»He added that the wave means an increase and decrease in infections and then a return to the increase once more, stressing that it is not possible to be certain of the end of the fourth wave. About “More Effective Needs”».

He pointed out that the changes in the protocol are made according to scientific progress, stressing that 3 drugs will be added, including one oral to treat corona, pointing to the import of a vaccine that was contracted in a large quantity at the end of January, explaining that even the new mutations that occurred are weaker, The eradication of the epidemic is through precautionary measures and vaccinations.




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