Gerardo Morales: “The hawks hit me, but dialogue is the correct position”

The governor of Jujuy and president of the UCR, Gerardo Morales, announced today that on Monday the 17th or Tuesday the 18th of this month the leaders of Together for Change and the heads of the main opposition bloc they will meet in Congress with the Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, to talk regarding the progress of the negotiations with the IMF for the debt.

“I spoke with Sergio Massa and he confirmed Guzmán’s presence”Morales said in an interview with Radio Miter. Regarding the proximity of the deadlines to reach the agreement, the governor of Jujuy stated: “The management is in the hands of the national government. He does not have much time to approach positions with the Fund ”.

In addition, Morales criticized the international policy of the Alberto Fernández administration: “There is a dual discourse of the Government that does not help to reach an agreement. It is not up to the opposition to manage. On the issue of debt there is a transversal responsibility to all, even the Pro himself, who is upset because we went to look for the Fund. The debt that Cristina left us and that generated by the Government is much greater. Some get angry but that’s the way it is, the ones who went to the Fund were us. The meeting does not resolve situations, it will be Congress that will debate the fine numbers ”.

“The political forces must fight so that there is no default, but this passes through the exclusive hands of the Government. This agreement with CELAC and not raising human rights violations and electoral fraud in Nicaragua does not seem right to us. Times are pressing and it is urgent for the entire country not to default because all Argentines are going to pay for it. We might go back to 2001 or to hyperinflation. The issue of debt is highly political ”, he explained.

About the strong criticism he received for his statements regarding the government of Mauricio Macri last week, the head of radicalism replied: “Imagine, the hawks hit me so that I have, but I am not concerned, the dialogue is the correct position. Here there are people who do political business with the crack, both Kirchnerism and a very radicalized sector of our space. That does the country very bad. I am very convinced of what I say, the position is this, we must go to dialogue. You have to do everything possible to reach an agreement. There are some in our space who think that the worse the better and that does not suit people. I see some editorials, too, that end up taking sides in this rift, because they have also been very tough since Kirchnerism. In Jujuy we suffer a lot from extreme irrationality, which is what Kirchnerism represents. But on the issue of debt we have to have a high degree of responsibility ”.



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