the special operation will continue until the complete destruction of the terrorists – RT in Russian

Deputy Minister of Defense of Kazakhstan Sultan Kamaletdinov said at a briefing that the counter-terrorist operation in the republic will continue until the complete destruction of the terrorists.

  • © AP Photo / Vladimir Tretyakov / NUR.KZ

He recalled that the counter-terrorist operation continues on the territory of Kazakhstan.

“It will continue until the complete elimination of terrorists and the restoration of constitutional order in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” Kamaletdinov said.

At the same time, the commander of the CSTO peacekeepers in Kazakhstan, Andrei Serdyukov saidthat the Collective Peacekeeping Forces of the CSTO will carry out tasks in Kazakhstan until the situation in this country is completely stabilized.

Peacekeepers guard important military, state and socially important facilities in Almaty and adjacent areas.

On January 5, the President of Kazakhstan announced that he had turned to the CSTO partners with a request to help in overcoming the terrorist threat. He named this appeal is “appropriate and timely”.

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