Guillaume Peltier, the former number two of the Republicans party, rallies Zemmour

Guillaume Peltier is making waves once more in his camp. The former number two of the Les Républicains (LR) party announced on Sunday January 9 that he was rallying the far-right presidential candidate Eric Zemmour, “Only candidate of the right” according to him, while he no longer has ” confidence “ in the candidate of LR, Valérie Pécresse.

The deputy for Loir-et-Cher and former member of the National Youth Front told CNews and Europe 1:

“I made the decision to support the only candidate of the right, the only candidate faithful to the values ​​of the RPR, the only candidate capable of beating Emmanuel Macron because he was able to bring together all the voters on the right. “

“I have no guarantee of non-rallying [de Valérie Pécresse] to Emmanuel Macron “, he criticized, judging that, “Valérie Pécresse and Emmanuel Macron, it’s the same thing”.

M. Peltier se met “Indented” from LR and call ” the electors “ and “LR parliamentarians” to join Eric Zemmour (Reconquest!). “I will be one of the captains of this extraordinary adventure” alongside the ex-polemicist.

“An epiphenomenon”

Traveling to Cerbère (Pyrénées-Orientales) on the Franco-Spanish border, the other candidate for the extreme right Marine Le Pen (National Rally, RN) vilified Mr. Peltier, who “Will have ticked all the boxes, will have made all the political movements”. That he join Eric Zemmour “Don’t surprise me with him », she added, evoking “An epiphenomenon”.

At the beginning of December, Guillaume Peltier had made waves in his camp by wondering “How to remain insensitive to the discourse for France” Eric Zemmour during his first candidate meeting. The Republicans’ strategic committee then dismissed the LR deputy from his position as vice-president of the party.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Valérie Pécresse is working to put LR in order of battle for the presidential election

It was not the first time that Guillaume Peltier provoked the ire of LR officials. At the end of May 2021, he had insured “Carry the same convictions” that the mayor of Béziers Robert Ménard, close to the RN. What had earned him to be dismissed from his position of number two in LR.

Then, at the end of November, when he showed his support for Eric Ciotti at the LR congress, he declared that he did not wish “More tightness with the voters of Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen”.

“Nothing really new”

Spokesman for Valérie Pécresse, Othman Nasrou estimated on Sunday that “Guillaume Peltier had already started in practice, nothing really new”. “He is now returning to the starting point of his political commitment to the far right”, he continued on Twitter.

MoDem Minister Marc Fesneau, from the same department as Mr. Peltier, also condemned the same social network this “Back to the parent company, to the terminus of the pretentious, the ambitious and the opportunists”.

Mr. Peltier was engaged from 1996 to 1998 at the National Youth Front. ” Deadlock “, he will write in 2019. After a stint with Bruno Mégret, he became number two in the Movement for France of the sovereignist Philippe de Villiers, today also support of Eric Zemmour. Mr. Peltier then changed course in 2009 by joining the UMP. He had been chosen by Nicolas Sarkozy as spokesperson for his campaign in 2012.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Guillaume Peltier: donations and services rendered, immersed in his micro-parties

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