VIDEO. Unmanned F1 cars compete on a Las Vegas circuit

Algorithms at the wheel and engineers in the pits. An autonomous racing car overtook another driverless racing car on a Las Vegas racing circuit on January 7. The organizers of the event, held as part of CES 2022, wanted to see the cars overtake at least 160 km / h. The Italian car Minerva did better, it was running at 185 km / h when it overtook its South Korean competitor.

For these face-to-face meetings, all the teams received the same car, a Dallara IL-15, a sort of small F1, and the same technological equipment to allow the cars to be on the track and between them. It is then up to the students to program the software so that it makes the right decisions. In this little game, the Italian team was the strongest. Minerva won the competition without straining her talent. Last October, it reached 250 km / h during a straight-line test.

The aim of this competition was to advance autonomous driving technologies so that they can work everywhere, including in the future… On the highways.



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