simplified school protocol, vaccination of children, Guyana… The recap of January 7

► Schools: Health protocol relaxed, more than 9,000 classes closed and call for strike action

The health protocol was updated in schools just a few days after the start of the school year. Students will no longer have to carry out a complete new screening route if a new positive case appears in their class within a period of less than seven days after the first.

→ READ. Covid-19: the health protocol relaxed at school

From now on, if a student in the class received on presentation of a negative test declares himself positive (for example following a self-test carried out on D + 2 or D + 4), it is no longer necessary to immediately restart a cycle of screening for other students in the class or contacts at risk.

The establishment of this new protocol governed unions, which widely called for a strike in schools on January 13. “The situation since the start of the January school year has created an indescribable mess and a strong feeling of abandonment and anger among school staff”, denounced the Snuipp-FSU in a press release. During the day, the unions Snes-FSU, Snalc, CGT Educ’action, Sud Education and FO announced that they were joining this call.

→ ANALYSIS. Call to strike in schools, threatened with implosion by the Covid

This protocol intervenes when the number of closed classes explodes. This week, 9,202 were closed, the highest level since spring 2021, announced the Ministry of National Education. This is more than three times higher than the previous figure, dating from December 16, before the Christmas holidays, which was 2,970 closed classes.

► The agreement of both parents requested to vaccinate 5-11 year olds

The Ministry of Health announced Thursday, January 6 that the agreement of both parents will now be necessary to vaccinate children aged 5 to 11 against Covid-19. However, for children aged 12 to 15, the agreement of a single parent continues to be sufficient.

→ EXPLANATION. Childhood vaccination: all you need to know about the campaign for 5-11 year olds

A decision regretted Friday, January 7, Alain Fischer, the president of the orientation council of the vaccine strategy. “I think it’s a bit unfortunate, it’s an obstacle that dramatizes this notion of vaccination a bit”said on Friday “Mr. vaccine” government on LCI.

According to a survey, two-thirds of parents (67%) of children aged 5 to 11 are against their vaccination, according to an Inserm survey. Conducted by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Regional Health Observatory, the survey was carried out before Christmas, that is to say before the High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends that vaccination be open to 5-11 year olds.

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► TousAntiCovid the French application “the most downloaded in history”, says Cédric O

The TousAntiCovid smartphone application, which had a difficult start, is today “A priori the most downloaded French application in history”, assured Friday the Secretary of State for digital Cédric O on France Info.

“Today, there are a little less than 50 million phones or watches” connected that have TousAntiCovid, said the Secretary of State. In addition, due to the surge in contamination observed at this time, “Today there are 50,000 people who receive every day” on the app “A notification to say that they are in contact”, added the Secretary of State.

► Guyana: the return curfew, the carnival maintained on Saturday

Most of the Guyanese population has been subject to a curfew again since Friday, to cope with a tidal wave of contamination, while vaccination has stagnated at less than 40%.

From Cayenne to Kourou, via Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, residents must submit since January 7 to a daily curfew from 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. However, restaurants, sports halls and cinemas benefit from exemptions until 10:30 p.m.

→ MAINTENANCE. False health passes: “We must hold the ground against the criminal structures”

Gatherings on public roads are also limited to ten people in these six main towns in Guyana, which account for 76% of the population. This will not prevent the carnival, a real institution in Guyana, from starting on Saturday, with the traditional arrival of King Vaval, the king of the carnival.


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