Corona’s numbers are unprecedented .. and a warning of a “health massacre”

The Corona counter continues to record unprecedented numbers, reaching regarding 8 thousand injuries today, Friday, January 7, but the number coincided with the increase in the number of examinations to regarding 46 thousand examinations, indicating that citizens are scrambling for examinations, due to the large epidemic outbreak. However, the number of patients in hospitals has remained stable, thus avoiding Lebanon’s health catastrophe that occurred last year. According to the daily report of the Ministry of Health, the number of patients increased slightly, and reached 668 patients, including 347 in the intensive care unit, and 72 of them need artificial respirators. As for the occupancy rate of beds in intensive care, it reached 79 percent, while in regular departments it reached 66 percent.

At the level of the epidemic, 7,974 cases were recorded, including 256 imported cases, and the total number of infections reached 761,853 cases. It also recorded 19 deaths, raising the cumulative number of deaths to 9,250 deaths. As for the percentage of positive tests, it reached 16.9 percent, noting that the number of tests that were conducted reached 46,338.

In an effort to contain the epidemic by spreading vaccines, the Ministry of Health and Education is organizing a “Pfizer marathon” to vaccinate students and the educational sector, on Saturdays and Sundays, to ensure the speedy vaccination of the educational sector and provide a safe school return. It will be carried out by mobile clinics, in addition to a number of vaccination centers approved by the Ministry of Public Health. The Ministry of Education, with its central administration and educational districts, divided educational institutions into vaccination centers.

In light of the outbreak of the epidemic, the “Civil Emergency Authority in Lebanon” considered that the decision to open schools, despite the registration of more than 7,000 injuries, will only lead to an acceleration of the epidemic’s spread, exhausting the health sector, and increasing the number of deaths. It held those concerned in the Ministry of Education legally responsible if the opening of schools led to a health massacre, calling for approaching matters from a scientific and health standpoint away from stubbornness, clinging and pressure from private school owners.




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