for whom, for what? And what is the difference with the surgical mask?

Because of the Omicron wave, some European countries have decided to impose the wearing of the FFP2 mask in busy places. Austria has even decided to make it compulsory abroad. What regarding us? We take stock.

This week, the codeco recommended the use of these FFP2 masks for vulnerable people or people in contact with them. The FFP2 mask has also been highly recommended for those with infected persons.

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“The FFP2 mask is worn when there is close contact with a person who is positive for Covid, for example caregivers. This mask will also be worn by extremely fragile people”, explains Professor Alexia Verroken, infection prevention and control physician at St Luc University clinics.

FFP2 protect the wearer of the mask

According to her, because of Omicron’s high traffic, these aforementioned people might even “wear a mask when they are outside”. Indeed, by blocking the droplets projected by the wearer, fabric masks and surgical masks in reality mainly protect others. While FFP2 masks protect not only others, but also the wearer by filtering the inhaled air.

“The filter of the FFP2 mask is extremely sophisticated and therefore makes it possible to block particles of bacteria or viruses which would enter the person’s face”, explains Alexia Verroken. What’s more, “the shape makes it adapts better to the person’s face “. Even if, she says, “the tightness is not at all good with bearded men”.

Note that if the average price of the fabric mask is 5 euros and 0.20 cent for a surgical mask, it takes between 1 and 3 euros for an FFP2. And these can be found in pharmacies.

“For now, the supply chain is continuous, so it is still possible to source FFP2 masks in pharmacies”, assures Nicolas Echement, Spokesperson for the Belgian Pharmaceutical Association. “When you hesitate regarding the quality of a product or a mask, it’s still good to go to the pharmacy because pharmacists are also there to advise patients, “ he adds.

As a reminder, an FFP2 mask offers optimal protection for 4 hours.



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