tips to take care of your health on hot days

In the face of extreme heat, precautions must be taken to avoid health problems

© Carolina Camps
In the face of extreme heat, precautions must be taken to avoid health problems

In the days of extreme heat precautions must be taken. Prolonged exposure to the sun or exercising in hot, poorly ventilated environments can cause a heatstroke, that is, to a considerable increase in body temperature, harmful to health.

Main advice of specialists to deal with the oppressive heat is stay hydrated, drink large amounts of water, and avoid sun exposure.

In the case of babies, young children, people over 65 years of age and patients with chronic diseases, extreme precautions must be taken.

Recommendations once morest a heat wave

The Ministry of Health of the Nation recommends consuming a lot of liquids -as minimum of 2 liters-, especially fresh water from a reliable source all day long, even if you’re not thirsty.

A good way to ensure that you get that amount of water is to drink 8 glasses. Too It is advisable to avoid the consumption of hot infusions, alcoholic beverages and those with a lot of sugar.

Another recommendation is to eat lightly, preferably fruits and vegetables. It is also recommended to reduce the demand for customary physical activity – early in the morning or following sunset – and to wear light, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing. If possible, wear a hat and dark glasses.

The Ministry of Health of the Nation suggests that both children and older adults avoid exposing themselves to the sun, especially between 10 and 16.

In relation to children under 6 months, it is advisable for the mother to offer the breast more frequently than usual. For children older than 6 years, the advice is to offer drinks constantly, even if they do not ask for it, in order to avoid dehydration.

Symptoms of heat stroke

Heatstroke is caused by the loss of water and essential salts that the human body needs for its proper functioning.

Can be presented symptom such as fever, intense thirst, feeling of suffocating heat, dry skin, stomach pain, poor appetite and nausea, headache, dizziness and even fainting.

In the babies, the irritated skin from perspiration on the neck, chest, armpits, elbow folds and in the diaper area, irritability and crying.

What to do when faced with a heat stroke

Before the appearance of the symptoms described, you should act as follows:

  • Move the affected person to the shade, to a cool and quiet place. Make her keep her head a little high.

  • Try to cool him off by wetting his clothes, applying ice to his head, giving him fresh or slightly salty water to drink.

  • Request medical help.

  • Do not consume fever-reducing drugs.



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