Internet users use Instagram to ask Amazon to pay its taxes

At the end of December, Amazon launched an Instagram contest to promote its Prime Video streaming platform in French. Internet users had to find an original slogan, which the platform would put in the “bio” of its Instagram account. Users took the opportunity to denounce the tax optimization practices of the e-commerce giant, voting overwhelmingly for a provocative “bio”.

The slogan “ Promised, we’ll pay our taxes in France »Got hundreds of likes

The answers were varied, but the proposition ” Promised, we’ll pay our taxes in France Which garnered hundreds of likes was removed from the contest, prompting an avalanche of comments about Amazon’s tax practices, a holiday bad buzz that was widely noticed by many users, who have kept track of this unfortunate episode for Amazon on social networks.

Amazon says it has paid more than 600 million euros in compulsory levies in France in 2020

On the occasion of the Amazon Academy, an event dedicated to e-commerce entrepreneurs held in Paris, Wednesday, November 10, Amazon defended himself accusations of reducing its income in France to reduce its taxes. Amazon says it has paid more than 600 million euros in compulsory levies in France in 2020 (420 million euros in 2019 and 250 million euros in 2018) and has achieved a turnover of 7.3 billion euros euros. However, and this despite its strategies to support local merchants, in June 2021, Amazon was pushing forward its promotional campaign to evade the end of the VAT exemption for products costing up to € 22 and coming from outside of. the European Union.

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