U.S. epidemic counterattack detection demand surges ABC-KY, Pusheng stocks are wiped out | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News

The U.S. COVID-19 pandemic has responded rapidly, with more than one million people diagnosed in a single day. Not only is the demand for fast home screens in short supply, but the amount of nucleic acid testing is also rapidly increasing. Taiwan’s testing factory ABC-KY (ABC-KY) (6598-TW) And Pusheng (4117-TW) Simultaneously feel the urgent demand for orders from the United States; more than half of Remagnetic’s existing inventory has been wiped out and continued to be added, and Pusheng has also been chased by customers.

According to foreign media reports, the number of newly diagnosed COVID-19 in the United States in a single day has exceeded the 1 million mark, which is a record high. Due to the government’s vaccination and fast screening mandatory orders, and Christmas and New Year holidays, the risk of virus infection has increased and the demand for testing has increased. With the rapid increase, the U.S. Pharmacy’s household quick screening reagents are wiped out every few hours each time they are restocked, and the amount of laboratory nucleic acid testing can be expanded simultaneously.

After obtaining the U.S. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), the molecular detection reagents for COVID-19 developed by Remagnetic have been widely distributed to major laboratories and medical institutions in the United States.

In the recent outbreak of the U.S. epidemic, Ricci’s US customers rushed to place orders and half of the inventory was ordered. Ricci bluntly stated that the US orders are very urgent, and the overall demand has returned to the peak level of the epidemic in July and August last year.

Ricci’s seven-in-one detection reagent for COVID-19 and influenza has also obtained the US FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The product can detect 7 items at a time and can detect 564 samples per day. Most of the customers are medium and large laboratories and have entered Product testing can quickly expand the market.

Proson’s testing products include RT-PCR nucleic acid reagents, VTM virus collection kits, nucleic acid extraction reagents, etc., and began shipping to American laboratories at the end of last year. As the epidemic heats up, laboratories continue to follow orders, and each order quantity Both have grown at double-digit growth rates, and customers directly bear the cost of container shipping, which will help Pusheng’s revenue and profitability to further increase.



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