China, Kenya to Strengthen and Expand Partnership in Four Areas

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday that he and Kenya’s Foreign Minister Raychelle Omamo have reached a consensus under which China and Kenya will strengthen and deepen their relations in four areas.

Mr. Wang made the remarks during a joint press conference with Ms. Omamo on Thursday in Mombasa, the coastal city of Kenya.

Mr. Wang said that Kenya is China’s comprehensive strategic and cooperative partner in Africa and an exemplary country to showcase China-Africa cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BCR). Under the strategic leadership of the two heads of state, China-Kenya relations have become a model of China-Africa solidarity, cooperation and common development.

“Minister Omamo and I reached a consensus that under the comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership between China and Kenya, the two sides should strive to strengthen and expand the partnership in four areas, “Wang said at the joint press conference.

To begin with, the two countries must be partners who support each other firmly. The two countries will support each other without fail in the safeguard of their national sovereignty and their territorial integrity, in the preservation of their rights and legitimate interests and in the exploration of development paths adapted to their national conditions.

Second, the two sides must be partners to accelerate development and revitalization. China and Kenya will continue to strengthen infrastructure development and trade and investment cooperation, and help Kenya accelerate its industrialization and modernization.

Third, the two countries should be partners in promoting China-Africa unity. China and Kenya will work together to implement the results of the eighth ministerial conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, continue to promote comprehensive cooperation between China and Africa, and jointly build a China-Africa community of destiny in the new era.

Fourth, China and Kenya must be partners in safeguarding regional peace. The two sides must maintain close communication on the regional situation and hot spots, strengthen coordination and cooperation within the United Nations Security Council and other platforms, and play a greater role in promoting peace. and regional stability.




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