Eating healthy in the new year: nine nutrition tips – entertainment

Fruits and vegetables are essential in a balanced diet, but chocolate is allowed.

There are several ways you can improve your health. And this is how it works: A balanced diet plays a crucial role.

A balanced diet not only promotes health and appearance, but also general well-being. Healthy nutrition and a natural source of energy are also prerequisites for health and performance. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, carbohydrates, and proteins are all part of this equation. These nine suggestions can help you.

A lot of fruits and vegetables

A healthy diet includes daily servings of vegetables and fruits. The body and metabolism benefit from the vitamins, minerals and fiber it contains. But what are the reasonable amounts? The “five a day” rule is a good place to start. She recommends two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables. A handful of raw ingredients is roughly the size of a serving.

Don’t do without carbohydrates

Diets that are low in carbohydrates and high in fat are becoming less and less popular. The reason for this is that they encourage people to use yo-yos. Grains and potatoes are high in fiber and help with digestion. They also ensure a faster and longer lasting feeling of satiety. But remember, whole grains are healthier and more nutritious than wheat when it comes to grain products.

Watch out for fats

It is also a bad idea to avoid all fats entirely. High fat foods are especially beneficial for the body as they contain omega-3 essential fatty acids. Nuts, sea fish, rapeseed oil and seeds contain these substances. But be careful: The right amount is crucial, because nuts, for example, are calorie bombs due to their high fat content.

Process fresh food

You should stay away from finished products as much as possible, as they have lost important nutrients during processing. Instead, put fresh ingredients and regional fruits and vegetables on the plate; Not only do they taste better, they also provide important vitamins.

Less animal products

Animal products should in any case be avoided for environmental reasons. However, they should not be completely ignored. Protein and calcium are abundant in dairy products, while iron is abundant in meat and fish. It is important to have a wide range of options in this situation.

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Cook at a low temperature

The food is cooked at a low temperature to preserve the nutrients in the food. It’s also a good idea to use low levels of oil when frying to save calories.

Season less

When seasoning, a balanced diet should follow the motto “less is more”. You should avoid eating a lot of salt as it slows down your metabolism and makes it harder to lose weight. Sugar is a similar case. Fresh herbs, on the other hand, are healthier and produce more flavorful results.

Healthy alternatives to sweets

Anyone who believes that a healthy diet means cutting out sugar is wrong. Chocolate and other goodies can still be consumed, but only in small doses. You can also make healthy candy like dates and nuts yourself if you prefer. It has a lot of energy because of the fats and carbohydrates in it.

Enough liquid

A glass of water before each meal not only fills you up faster, it also speeds up your metabolism. At least two liters per day should be consumed. Water and unsweetened teas are used here. Juice spritzers, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages are all high in sugar and should be avoided.


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