Misfortune comes out of your mouth!After approving Chinese amateur golfers, death threatens former snooker world champion Mephie admits failure

Misfortune comes out of your mouth!After approving Chinese amateur golfers, death threatens former snooker world champion Mephie admits failure

You can eat indiscriminately, but you can talk indiscriminately! Former snooker world champion, British star Shaun Murphy, known as the “Magic”, was criticized by the outside world for his remarks that “amateur players should not participate in professional games”. He even blew himself up during a recent interview. Have received death threats.

No. 9 in the world, Mayphy lost to 19-year-old Chinese teenager Si Jiahui in the first round of the British Championships at the end of last year. It’s like being “robbed”: “I don’t understand why amateur players are allowed to participate. For our professional players, it’s a matter of livelihood, but it’s not for them. Scarlett is indeed worthy of victory, but amateur players shouldn’t appear in the profession. At the race.”


Mayphy was criticized by the outside world for his remarks that “amateur players should not participate in professional games.”


Si Jiahui

Mephie’s remarks immediately caused an uproar. Some insiders, including O’Sullivan, criticized and ridiculed him, and even outsiders attacked him. In an interview with British “Metro” recently, Murphy said: “Who would have thought that there are so many people outside the pool circle who care regarding this. When I was driving on the highway, someone next to me was scolding me in the train. I thought, We’re just talking regarding billiards, and I’m not the prime minister of the United Kingdom! Someone on social media sent me all kinds of vicious messages and death threats. But what I want to say is that I don’t think my remarks are too bad.”

However, Mayphy admitted that this should not be said at that time: “I think my opinion is not wrong, but it should not be said following losing. I regret it and apologize. If time can go back, I will not Say these things.”



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