Didier Tabuteau appointed vice-president of the Council of State

A long suspense comes to an end. Wednesday January 5, Didier Tabuteau was appointed vice-president of the Council of State on the proposal of the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti. In fact, he takes the head of the highest French administrative court – the title of President of the Council of State being reserved for the Prime Minister or the Minister of Justice, if they wish to sit at the General Assembly.

Mr. Tabuteau, until then president of the social section of the institution, is also responsible for the health chair of the Paris Institute of Political Studies and former co-director of the Law and Health Institute. This 63-year-old senior civil servant had also headed the cabinet of Bernard Kouchner at the Ministry of Health and had been deputy director of the cabinet of the Ministry of Social Affairs with Claude Evin and Martine Aubry.

The senior official will succeed Bruno Lasserre, who left office the night before. This departure was transformed into a ceremony, since Mr. Macron, surrounded by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice, took the opportunity to give Mr. Lasserre the insignia of Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor.

Read the survey of “M”: Article reserved for our subscribers Health crisis, Duhamel affair, between oneself… The crazy year of the Council of State

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