Xi’an Epidemic Escalation Shaanxi Secretary Orders Zero Citizens’ Disclosure of Facts | Sun Chunlan | Liu Guozhong | Social Clearance

[Epoch Times News on January 4, 2022](Reported by Epoch Times reporter Li Jing)ClearedTarget”,ShaanxiAuthorities rightXi’anThe city adopted strict closure measures, and the local people paid a heavy price for this.

With a population of 12 millionShaanxiProvinceXi’anSince the announcement of the “closed city” on December 23, 2021, the epidemic has gradually escalated and spread to 14 districts (counties) of the city, as well as to many provinces.

Less than a week after Xi’an was “closed”, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and vice premier of the State CouncilSun ChunlanShe went to Xi’an to guide the epidemic prevention work, and she asked to implement the “DynamicCleared“The general policy is to control the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible.

According to official news on January 2, Wang Bin, secretary of the Yanta District Committee of Xi’an, and Cui Shiyue, deputy secretary of the Yanta District Committee, have been removed from their posts.

Passed official internal documents requesting that “the 4th of January must be cleared”

On the same day, according to the Shaanxi Daily, the Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party CommitteeLiu GuozhongAt the Xi’an City Epidemic Prevention Work Conference, it was required to “realize the goal of zeroing out the society as soon as possible,” and warned the “top leaders” in Yanta District, High-tech Zone and other places to “stress politics and consider the overall situation.”

According to an internal document titled “The Spirit of the Video Scheduling Meeting of the Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters on January 1, 2022” published on the Internet, the Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party CommitteeLiu GuozhongSaid that Xi’an’s epidemic prevention and control has entered a “comprehensive moment of decisive battle,” and he demanded that “the goal of eradicating society on January 4 must be achieved.”

(webpage Screenshot)

According to official reports, the situation in Xi’an is still severe. On January 3, 2022, Xi’an added 2 high-risk areas and 7 medium-risk areas. As of January 3, Xi’an has 3 high-risk and 64 medium-risk areas.

Since January 2nd, key areas of Xi’an have carried out nucleic acid screening in key areas again.

The tricky behind “clearing”

According to local citizens, the authorities ordered that the society must be cleared on January 4, that is, in a community, if a confirmed case appears in a building, then everyone in the building will be pulled away by bus for isolation. Then, the official will report upwards that the community has been “cleared”, and on January 4, the official will report to the outside world that it has achieved the “social clearing.” As for the outbreak of the epidemic again, the official will say that it was an epidemic that occurred at the quarantine point.

According to another source, after the secretary of the Yanta District Party Committee of Xi’an was dismissed, the authorities required the districts to issue a “military order” and the community must be “cleared.” Why were so many people sent to the suburban resettlement houses for quarantine overnight? Because it’s not his responsibility to leave the Yanta area, he doesn’t care if you are infected outside or not. In this way, the city of Xi’an achieved an overall victory in the first phase. This is not only the reason, but the most important reason is that as long as it is pulled out, more diagnoses will occur. They are all diagnoses during the isolation period, not community transmission, and the community can announce “clearing” to the outside world.

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Encounter at the isolation point

Since January 3, Xi’an Aeronautical Institute (Fenghui Campus), Taoyuan Road Street, Lianhu District, Xi’an City has been adjusted to a high-risk area by the authorities. On the same day, Changyanbao Street in Yanta District was also adjusted to be a high-risk area.

Xi’an citizen Wang Qin (pseudonym) told The Epoch Times that the community is now very contagious, including Yanta District, High-tech Zone, Chang’an District, and Lianhu District. The Lianhu District where she lived was a low-risk area before, but now it has become a medium-high-risk area, because Xi’an Aeronautical Institute has more cases (cases), and they have all been taken away.

According to mainland media reports, after Chang’an University, confirmed cases in Xi’an universities have reappeared. A total of 24 cases have been found on the Peihui campus and Yanliang campus of Xi’an Aeronautical University. Since December 27th, Xi’an Aeronautical Institute has opened the first “Emergency Relocation” in Xi’an since the outbreak of the current round of the epidemic.

Until December 29, the 2,000 teachers and students of Xi’an Aeronautical Institute were diverted to 4 counties and cities in Ankang, Shaanxi: Xunyang, Hanyin, Shiquan, and Langao.

However, according to a video posted by local citizens, “people in the two urban villages in Xi’an are all isolated in a centralized manner, and houses that cannot be sold become resettlement sites! The so-called centralized resettlement means detention in disguise. If you lose your freedom, you don’t have to deal with any illness. “

Due to the poor conditions of the quarantine point, many citizens who were quarantined expressed protest and returned home on foot.

Staying at home and eating helpless

As for the isolation point, many people describe it as a “detention center,” but for those trapped at home, life is also very difficult. Many citizens went out to buy food but were officially banned; even a video posted by netizens showed that a man in Chang’an District, Xi’an, only ate one meal a day, fell to the ground after being hungry and fainted with symptoms. The result is unknown.

Ms. Wang from Xi’an recently told The Epoch Times that Xi’an was suddenly closed in the middle of the night and everyone was unprepared. Due to road closures, large trucks carrying daily necessities were blocked on the expressway and were unable to come up and down the highway. The people panic about their lack of supplies.

Ms. Wang said, “I feel like I’m out of control. I’m out of control as a whole. They just want to protect their black hats and seal villages, roads, and bridges everywhere. What do you think ordinary people eat and drink?”

Editor in charge: Li Muen


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