accused of amateurism, the majority responds to the right on the theme of responsibility

The vaccination pass will be late. While the deputies had begun to examine the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass, Monday, January 3, the session was interrupted following a majority of elected officials voted by show of hands once morest the continuation of the debates following midnight. The majority deputies, not numerous enough, might not avoid the suspension of the session. It was not until Tuesday, from 12:30 p.m., that the conference of the presidents of parliamentary groups of the Palais-Bourbon had to decide on the procedure to be followed and to include the continuation of the examination of the text on the agenda of the Assembly.

This quack will derail the timetable for the final adoption of the text by Parliament: the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, was to be heard Tuesday evening in the Senate before the examination of the text on Wednesday by the upper house.

Follow the live: The suspension of the debates on the vaccine pass, a “snub for the majority”, according to the president of the LR group

The right, which is largely at the origin of the delay, immediately accused the majority of amateurism. “Snub”, mocked both the LR deputy Julien Aubert and the president of the Les Républicains group in the National Assembly, Damien Abad, who, in a tweet published during the night, was delighted to see the ” majority “ setting “Minority”. “Amateurs one day, always amateurs”, he argued.

The majority responded sharply, pointing out that The Republicans have not expressed a clear position on the government’s bill. “Dear Damien Abad, there is no time to debate the health of the French and protect them! But you, you prefer to go to bed… So take advantage of your rest to define the position of the Republicans ”, retorted the president (LRM) of the law commission, Yaël Braun-Pivet. “A vote to go to bed earlier.” This is the reality! Lower the level of our Assembly to gain a few hours of sleep and try to create a buzz … On a vaccination pass on which we finally did not understand the position of [Républicains] », added Aurore Bergé, the deputy president of the LRM group at the Assembly.

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“Great turbulence”

Tuesday morning on France Inter, government spokesman Gabriel Attal called the text” absolutely necessary “. But, gathered in a “Friendly form of irresponsibility”, oppositions “Wanted to make a blow, they made a blow”, he lamented.

“For the National Rally and La France insoumise, we are rather used to [mais] for the [Républicains], I think this is intended to mask what clearly seems to be major internal turmoil over this bill. “

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The Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, dug the same path a few minutes later on Franceinfo. “It is appalling to see the Republican deputies allying themselves with La France insoumise and the National Rally to obstruct the adoption of a text which proposes measures to deal with the epidemic outbreak”, she regretted.

The minister found, in this attitude, a ball once morest the right-wing presidential candidate, Valérie Pécresse, who had called on her troops to vote for the vaccine pass. “It perhaps masks the absence of a line at Les Républicains: I heard Pécresse who says she wants to be exemplary in her meetings, Mr. Ciotti [ex-challengeur de la précédente au second tour de la primaire de la droite] tell us that it is for the vaccination pass, and it is not at all what we saw yesterday “, pretended to be surprised Mme Borne.

Asked regarding the absence of parliamentarians from the majority at the time of the vote on the continuation of the debates, she tried to defend them: “Our deputies, they were present all evening, the votes went normally. “

“Error of appreciation”

On the conduct of the debates on Monday evening, Annie Genevard, LR deputy from Doubs and vice-president of the Assembly, provided first-hand technical insight on Tuesday morning on Franceinfo, denouncing a “Problem of organization of parliamentary time”. While the President of the Assembly, Richard Ferrand (LRM), was diagnosed positive for Covid-19 on Monday, it was she who led the meeting and who declared the suspension of the debates around midnight. “We had a text with more than 600 amendments and two open sessions, she explained. I have never seen a text with so many amendments that can pass in such a short time, it is not possible. “

Mme Genevard thus rejects the accusations of“Irresponsibility” worn by the majority, who would rather have sinned by “Error of appreciation” by loving “That we might examine more than 600 amendments in a few hours”. According to her, it will be possible to « find time this week »pto finish examining the text transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass: “Between today and tomorrow, we can find around fifteen hours to complete the examination of this text under honorable conditions. “

Read also Vaccination pass: death threats and attacks are increasing once morest the deputies of the majority

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