Stamp duty hampers innovation, committee says


The abolition of stamp duty will not only benefit large industrial groups, according to an inter-party committee. The latter presented Tuesday to the press his arguments in favor of a modification of the law, submitted to the vote on February 13.

Almost 90% of companies affected by this tax are SMEs, advance Lars Guggisberg (UDC / BE). “We must stop penalizing work and innovation,” he said in the written version of his speech. And to estimate that the stamp duty of emission makes investments more expensive and hinders people who want to found or expand a business. He finds this tax all the more “absurd” in times of crisis, as currently with the coronavirus.

This tax levy on equity “is undoubtedly the most senseless tax that the State can imagine”, indicates for his part Fabio Regazzi (Center / TI), president of the usam and co-president of the interparty committee. It is a “relic” of the First World War which no longer exists and which still exists in a comparable form only in Greece and Spain on the European continent.

“Moderate drop”

“The abolition of this levy only leads to a modest drop in State revenue, or around 250 million francs,” notes Thierry Burkhart (PLR / AG). Judith Bellaiche (PVL / ZH) insists on the brake that this causes to start-ups.

Issue stamp duty is due when a company raises equity, whether it is when it is founded or when its capital is increased. It amounts to 1% of funds raised exceeding one million francs. Denouncing new privileges to large financial companies, the left tabled the referendum.



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