who will touch it in january?

CHRISTMAS BONUS. Paid a few days before the end of year holidays, the Christmas bonus is sometimes paid in January. Who is concerned ?

[Mis à jour le 03 janvier 2022 à 08h58] Will you have a pleasant surprise when you check your bank account at the start of the year? Payment of the premium Christmas occurs in January 2022 for some, and not in December. Paid by CAF, Pôle emploi and MSA, the Christmas bonus concerns the most precarious households, already benefiting from certain social minima. As a reminder, you must have received social assistance for the month of November and / or December. If the payment was made on December 15, the payment is only made this month for new beneficiaries. The amount of this exceptional social assistance amounts to 152.45 euros for a single person, unchanged since its creation. There is no step to take upstream. The granting of the Christmas bonus is automatic.

The Christmas bonus concerns the beneficiaries of certain social minima from the Caisse des Family allowances and Pôle emploi. These two organizations do not conduct an income survey to determine if you are eligible. Therefore, there is no actual resource cap for collecting the Christmas bonus. Here are the social benefits that you must receive to benefit from them:

  • RSA: the Solidarity labor income is reserved for the most insecure people, aged over 25, who have very few resources. Its lump sum for a single person is 565 euros, if the beneficiary does not receivehousing allowances type APL.
  • ASS : the specific solidarity allowance concerns the unemployed at the end of their entitlement whose resources do not exceed a ceiling. It is also necessary to have exercised a professional activity for five years during the 10 years preceding the end of the last employment contract.
  • RPS : it is awarded to people who undergo training “within the framework of training courses approved by the State or the Region”. It ensures an income for its trainees. Please note, the RPS is only paid for the hours of training completed and is therefore only partially paid in the event of unjustified absence.
  • RFPE : The RFPE is aimed at job seekers who wish to follow a training course approved by Pôle emploi. Please note, you must not receive the allowance unemployment (ARE) when you register. The amount of training remuneration depends on your social situation and the duration of your training.
  • Lump sum premium for resumption of activity,
  • AER: this social benefit is no longer granted, and this, since January 1, 2011! The equivalent retirement allowance was intended for job seekers who have not yet reached the legal retirement age, but who have acquired enough quarters for full retirement.
  • ACRE-ASS : Assistance for the creation or takeover of a business means support and partial exemption from charges at the start of activity. Called ACRE, it allows total exemption for 12 months when your income is below a ceiling.
  • ASS-F : it designates thespecific solidarity allowance training. “[Cette dernière] is the maintenance of your specific solidarity allowance (ASS) during your training when it is not financed by Pôle emploi “, we explained on the dedicated page of Pôle emploi last year.” It can also be for you. granted (subject to fulfilling the conditions for granting ASS) if you reach the end of your rights (AREF, RFF or RFPE) “.

Do you have a specific question regarding the Christmas bonus? Linternaute.com has looked into all aspects of exceptional financial assistance for you. Consult our dedicated file without further delay:

The Family Allowance Fund pays the Christmas bonus to RSA recipients (active solidarity income). Unlike traditional social benefits such as activity bonus, CAF does not proceed not to a study of your household situation (income, social benefits received, alimony, etc.). The granting of the Christmas bonus is Automatique. There is therefore no point in contacting the Family Allowances Fund to hope for the payment of the premium.

Are you currently unemployed? Pôle emploi is responsible for paying the Christmas bonus with some unemployed. These must have exhausted their unemployment rights and receive the specific solidarity allowance (ASS). So this means that lUnemployed people receiving traditional unemployment benefits, also called return-to-work allowance (ARE), are not eligible. As a reminder, the specific solidarity allowance concerns the unemployed at the end of their rights whose resources do not exceed a ceiling.

Since 2009, the amounts of the Christmas bonus have not changed. They depend on your social situation and, possibly, your family situation. Clearly, the amount of the Christmas bonus does not depend on your income. Do you benefit from the Christmas bonus from Pôle emploi, being unemployed at the end of your rights? In this case, Pôle emploi pays a amount is fixed, whatever the family situation. It amounts to 152.45 euros. If you benefit from the CAF Christmas bonus (because you are at RSA for example), in this case, the amount depends on your family situation. It is between 152.45 euros for a single person and 442.10 euros for a couple with four children (to which are added 60.98 euros per additional person).

Are you at RSA? In this case, you are one of the households affected by the CAF Christmas bonus. The amount of CAF Christmas bonus depends on the composition of the household. Here are the amounts that apply:

  • Single person: 152.45 €
  • 2 people (single with 1 child or couple without children): 228.67 €
  • 3 people (single with 2 children or couple with 1 child): € 274.41
  • A single person with 3 children: € 335.39
  • couple with 2 children: 320.14 €
  • A single person with 4 children: € 396.37
  • couple with 3 children: € 381.12
  • A single person with 5 children: € 457.35
  • couple with 4 children: € 442.10
  • Per additional person: € 60.98

The date of payment of the Christmas bonus is generally confirmed by the Ministry of Health at the beginning of December, for an effective transfer a few weeks before the end of the year holidays. This year, the Christmas bonus was paid on Wednesday, December 15. Don’t be surprised if the Christmas bonus is not yet visible on your account. There may be a delay of three to five days, from a banking institution : you are therefore likely to notice the payment of the Christmas bonus on your account between December 18 and 20. In addition, you are not immune to receiving the Christmas bonus in January 2022. Indeed, if you are a new beneficiary, for the month of December (imagine that you have become an RSA beneficiary since December for example), the payment requires an additional time.



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