franceinfo junior. New year, new resolutions!

Good year ! It is therefore time to talk regarding good resolutions. Claude Halmos, psychoanalyst, essayist, who can be listened to every Saturday on franceinfo in the column C’est dans ma tête and author of the tale Eiffel Tower pajamas, answers the questions of the pupils of the CM2 class of the Fondary primary school, in Paris.

“Last year I made a good resolution, says Thaïs, 10 years old. It was to focus more on school. It had worked and for this year, I think of a new resolution, it is to listen to my parents when they ask me something, well I do it directly! Why do we make good resolutions at the start of the year? “

Then, Mathéo asks: “I haven’t thought of a resolution for this year, but I’m thinking. Is it annoying if I don’t find good resolutions at the start of the year?”

For me, a good resolution is something you do and hold on to, and get better. For example, this year, I started to work on my dictation to make a goal, to have zero mistakes!

Lola, 10 years old, at franceinfo

Lola asks her questions: “How do you keep good resolutions throughout the year? Are there bad resolutions?”

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.



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