In the video .. “Al-Zaqaq” reveals the births of “Shahr” celebrate once every 4 years.. And those born on a day in the Kingdom cannot celebrate their birth at all

Al-Marsad newspaper: The astronomer expert, Dr. Khaled Al-Zaqqaq, revealed the difference between a simple and a leap year, explaining at the same time regarding newborns who can never celebrate their birthday, and others who celebrate once every 4 years.

Al-Zaqqaq said: “The Gregorian years are divided into two parts, simple and the number of days is 365 days, leap years have 366 days, and the new year 2022 is a simple year.”

He continued: “A simple year has 28 days in February, while a leap year has 29 days, and every 4 years there are 3 simple years and 1 leap.”

Zaaq continued: “Every 100 years, 75 are simple and 25 are leap years, and whoever is born on February 29 does not celebrate his birthday except every 4 years, and those born on 7/1 “like me” never celebrate their birthday.”

He said that a leap year is one day larger than a simple one, because human calculations have not been able to reach the accuracy of the cosmic motion, whether a month or a year, especially since every year there is a percentage of error in human calculations.

The astronomer added that the error is a quarter of a day. This quarter is added up, compressed, and made in a leap year. As for the movement of celestial bodies, it is not affected by defects, and its calculation is dependent on accuracy.

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