These are the literary novelties of 2022

Eva Baltasar, Sebastià Alzamora, Melcior Comes, Jenn Diaz, Lolita Bosch, Narcís Comadira i Albert Sánchez Piñol are some of the authors who will present new works in Catalan at the beginning of 2022, in which the posthumous novel of March will also be published in March. Jordi Cussà, “The Muses” (Comanegra).

In addition, Valencian Joan Fuster will have its weight in the coming months, with the reissue of several works such as “We, the Valencians” (Edicions 62); Carme Riera will be in charge of the authorized biography of the literary agent Carmen Balcells (Rosa dels Vents), you can re-read “What La Vanguardia does not say” (Edicions 62), JV Foix, and “La gran novella · la sobre Barcelona” (Quaderns Crema), by Sergi Pàmies, on its 25th anniversary. Mercè Ibarz, for her part, will offer a human approach to the Catalan writer in “Portrait of Mercè Rodoreda” (Empúries).


One of the most punctual writers in his contact with readers will be the Mallorcan Sebastià Alzamora, who on the 12th will present “Ràbia” (Proa), a short novel about a lonely man’s relationship with his dog, on an unnamed Mediterranean island. During this first month of the year, other stories will be published, such as “Constellations” (Proa), by Blanca Busquets, about a Catalan family threatened by ETA; “Mystery in Deià” (Empúries), by Xavier Moret, with detective Max Riera, while the poet Narcís Comadira will give its readers, on the occasion of its eightieth anniversary, the book of poems “Els moviments humans” (Editions 62).

Jordi Coca, for his part, will present “Shakespeare’s Theater in its Context” (1984 Editions), in which he proposes to investigate the meaning of the 36 most canonical works in English, and Oriol Broggi, in conversations with Andreu Gomila, will present an essay on artistic creation, “The memory of beauty” (The Other).

Journalist Toni Orensanz back with “How did you lose your arm, Balchowsky?” (Column) and at the end of the month, Farnos love will debut with “Geosmina” (La Magrana), while former councilor Raül Romeva reflects on the prison system in “On the other side of the wall” (Ara Llibres).


On February 2nd Melcior Comes returns with “All Mechanisms” (Proa), a “visceral tragedy with touches of black comedy,” and Lolita Bosch will do so with “Take Me” (Editions 62), where she delves into the missing in Mexico, a country that knows very well.

The writer Coia Valls will be on the shelves on the 9th with “The Alchemy of Life” (Column), while Pep Prieto will do the same on the 16th with the novel “The Eternal Woman” (Column), Gloria de Castro will publish “The Moment Before Impact” (Periscope) and Jenn Diaz, currently an ERC Member of Parliament, will return to the narrative with her third novel in Amsterdam, the intimate “The Possessives”.

The return of d is also expected‘Eva Baltasar, who will arrive on February 16 with the end of the leaflet that began with “Permagel” and entitled “Mammoth” (Club Editor), starring “an archaic woman trapped in modern life.”

LaBreu prepares “El llibre d’Elionor”, byAntonia Carré-Pons; Univers will have ready “The agony of Bakunin”, six stories of the television icon Angel Casas, as well as “We will remember”, by Carla Garcia, and the new publishing house Segona Perifèria will bet on Leticia Asenjo and his comic “Divorce and Adventure.”

In this second month of the year, the literary critic Ponç Puigdevall, in La Magrana, will praise the reading with “Secret Gardens”, and Toni Vall will reveal in “Teresa Gimpera. This is life” (Column) the key moments in the career of the actress and model.

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The egarenc Vicenç Villatoro will be one of the first to announce in March his new literary proposal, the story of a return, “Train to Maratea” (Proa), while Alfred Bosch, leaves behind its stage of institutional politics to return to literature with “The Temple of the Poor” (Column), about the lives of those who helped build the Holy Family.

Gemma Lienas will become part of the Universe catalog with “La vida privada de Carmina Massot”; Mar Bosch Oliveras, in the same publishing house, will publish “The age of the living”; the journalist Magí Camps will recount erotic, love and sexual adventures and misadventures in “Sucamulla” and Marta Vives debuts in “Let’s Love It” (Now Books).

The Mallorcan Biel Mesquida will arrive in bookstores earlier this month with one hundred short stories from “Incarnations” (LaBreu) and Xavier Febrés will present “The best trip of all” (L’Avenç).

On the 24th he will publish a new novel Albert Sánchez Piñol, which never leaves anyone indifferent to his proposals, and which in its new title, “The Monster of St. Helena” (The Bell), makes Napoleon appear in front of a sea creature that endangers the inhabitants of the island of St. Helena.

One day before, it can be purchased at the “Les altres mares” (Column) bookstores, from Laia aguilar, winner of the Josep Pla 2020, and the biography of Jordi Amat on Gabriel Ferrater “Overcoming Fear” (Editions 62).

News in Spanish

In 2022, Isabel Allende’s new novel “Violeta” (Plaza & Janés) will appear, which covers the protagonist’s story in uppercase and lowercase letters over the course of a century, since the 1920 flu epidemic. until the 2020 pandemic.

From the Spanish scene stands out “El castillo de Barbazul” (Tusquets), by Javier Cercas, the third installment of the series that began with “Independencia” and continues with the character of Melchor Marín, who is facing the disappearance of his daughter.

They will also publish “Love song” (Salamandra), by Carlos Zanón; “A ridiculous story” (Tusquets), by Luis Landero, “Masterpiece” (Anagrama), by Juan Tallón; “The sons of the volcano” (Alfaguara), by Jordi Soler; “The book of all loves” (Seix Barral), by Agustín Fernández Mallo; “Melvill” (Random House Literature), by Rodrigo Fresán; “Nothing ever happens” (Galaxia Gutenberg), by José Ovejero; “Purgatorio” (Plaza), by Jon Sistiaga, and “We are no longer friends” (Today’s Topics), by Agus Morales, both debutants journalists.

In the coming months, it will also be possible to read proposals from authors such as Irene Vallejo, John Le Carré, Primo Levi, Giorgio Bassani, Carmen Mola, Andrea Camilleri, Jo Nesbo, Siri Hustvedt, Maksim Óssipov, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Linda Boström Knausgard, RJ Palacio, Sosuke Natsukawa, Elena Ferrante, Etgar Keret, Simone de Beauvoir, Ottessa Moshfegh, Franck Bouysse, Nickolas Butler, Giovanna Giordano, Nancy Houston, Elizabeth Strout, Sorj Chalandon, Alan Parks, Miri Yu The Margaret Atwood.


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