Wooded park created near Caen: the 4,600 trees have been planted, see you in 10 years!

The 4,600 trees of the future wooded park of Verson have just been planted. (© Liberty)

The 4,600 trees of the future wooded park from Verson have just been planted near Caen (Calvados). A project with several challenges for the municipality.

As expected, 4,600 shrubs were planted to the north of the eco-district, from the Henri Larose roundregarding to the edge of the A84. They constitute the beginnings of the “beautiful wooded park” of 3.75 ha desired by Nathalie Donatin’s team, “to improve the living environment of the Versonnais, to provide a place to walk and practice sports”.

A “noise barrier” along the A84

The project was quickly implemented, led by deputy Claude Le Bourgeois in collaboration with the National Forestry Office. It is now a question of being patient, according to the explanations of the forest manager Sébastien Etienne.

The tree will first anchor itself for 4 – 5 years, then will grow 40 to 50 cm per year. It is around 10 years of existence that the forestry aspect will take shape, when we will begin to be able to circulate under the trees. Several thinnings will be necessary over the years until there are regarding 350 to 400 trees per hectare, an average spacing of 5 to 6 meters between each tree.

Green beech, common hornbeam, alder, larch or lime are among the 10 species chosen, all indigenous except for one. 5% of the plants are fruit trees: obier, hazelnut, rowan, wild dogwood… These are only deciduous species, but Sébastien Etienne reassures the residents who question the vocation of this “anti-noise wall” planted along the A84. “Noise reduction is not only done by the leaves”.

Wait for biodiversity to return

The Versailles project participates in the fight once morest global warming since by capturing carbon, wood helps improve air quality. The wooded area promotes biodiversity, and here once more, patience, because the trees arrive on “good agricultural land, but not forest. We will have to wait for biodiversity to return ”.

During the process, the plants will be maintained and monitored. In particular, it will be necessary to ensure the maintenance of the individual sheaths, costly protection but essential to the survival of the young tree threatened by, among other things, deer. The total budget for the operation is € 50,990.

The Department of Calvados, within the framework of the territory contract, supports up to 48% (ie a subsidy of € 24,500) the Versailles project, which is also supported by departmental and community services. Finally, in order for residents to take ownership of the site and follow its development, meetings and events were organized with ONF officers. City councilor Lydie Vandercamère Desmotreux, who is particularly fond of this project and its educational scope, coordinated with the schools.

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