Do you know why you have a hump? Find out and eliminate it with these simple exercises

The abusive use of new technologies and sedentary life, two of the main reasons

Hyperkyphosis can be corrected with some exercises


The new habits of life are causing us to see more and more people with an air of the hunchback of Notre Dame, and not because of the tennis ball that he has for his eye, but because of the hump that appears more and more. The scientific name of this is dorsal hyperkyphosis, which is when the curvature of the upper area of ​​the spine is greater than 45º, and it usually appears when we adopt inappropriate postures for a long time.

Two exists types of dorsal hyperkyphosis:

  • Youth: It appears early in life, such as puberty, when adolescent girls begin to develop, or when boys have poor muscle development. Scheuermann’s disease falls into this category, which is when there is a previous wedging of 3 or more vertebrae, so the posture changes and the famous “hump” begins to appear.
  • Adult: It is a deformity that affects up to 50% of the population, but has a higher incidence in women. As you get older, the tissues that surround the vertebrae deteriorate, causing calcifications and deformations to occur.

One of the main reasons why hyperkyphosis can appear is the use of technologies and sedentary life. By repeatedly lowering the neck to see the screens of the mobile, tablet or computer, we are facilitating the appearance of the hump.

Exercises to eliminate the hump

Fortunately, there are a number of exercises you can do to correct your posture. Take note of them:

  1. Arms back: simple but effective. Start by opening your arms, forming a T with your body. Next, pull your arms back as far as you can and lift your head to stretch your neck. Finally, leave this pose and relax your body forward.
  2. Cat pose: in yoga This position is very common, and in addition to relieving back pain, it will also help you correct the hump. Get on all fours and when you inhale, lift your head and sacrum up. As you exhale, reverse your position and form an arc.
  3. Side openings: Start as in the previous exercise, on all fours, but raise your right arm to the ceiling, turning your body in that direction. Next, lower your arm and tuck it between your left arm and knee, so that your right shoulder is practically touching the ground. Repeat the exercise with the other arm.
  4. Chest opening: Stand in front of a door and put your arms in an L shape. With the help of the door frame, fix your hands (or whole forearms, if you can) on it and lean your body forward to stretch the chest area .
  5. Chest extension: stand in front of a wall. Stretch your arm straight and put your hand on the wall. Turn your neck slowly towards the opposite shoulder and repeat the exercise twice: once with the arm that is higher than the level of the head, and once with the arm at approximately waist level.
  6. Cobra pose: Stretch out on the floor and rest your hands at chest level. Raise your chest until your arms are fully stretched, and lift your head to stretch your neck.

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