Clownfield 2042 released on Steam – a parody of Battlefield 2042 for 30 rubles

Riverside Sports Team Releases Battlefield 2042 Parody On Steam – Clownfield 2042which is available at a very low price of 30 rubles (and with a discount it turns out to be 27 rubles). Surprisingly, the game already has 404 reviews and 90% of them are positive.

As with most parody games, Clownfield 2042 does not boast impressive graphics or artificial intelligence. But here you can “break” the physics and gameplay rules. There are also problems with optimization and balance. Well, there are also a lot of bugs, but you shouldn’t wait for them to be fixed.

Clownfield 2042 on the release boasts the following content:

  • Three cards
  • Six weapon models
  • Three modes
  • Weather events (tornado sweeping across the map)
  • Basic AI

It is better not to count on long-term support of the game.



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