do not endanger your children’s brains and hearts! – Republican Resistance

Life before. Class of CM2, the director and the teacher.

As we have already reported, Professors Bhakdi and Burkhardt brought to light new evidence showing that Covid vaccines are not only ineffective, but also dangerous:

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi warns of deadly side effects of anti-Covid vaccines

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Fatal Side Effects of Vaccines, Continued

Translation for Republican Resistance by Jean Schoving

Professor Bhakdi

For Report24, Edith Brötzner asked Professor Bhakdi how serious the situation was.

Through Edith Brötzner

After leading extensive research on deceased persons a few days or weeks following receiving the Covid vaccine, renowned professors Sucharit Bhakdi and Arne Burkhardt are now certain: the effect of Covid vaccines is not verifiable, they do not protect once morest infection and might also be potentially fatal.

Professor Burkhardt, one of Germany’s most experienced pathologists, noted this potential danger to life and bodily integrity during his research. After more than 40 years of professional experience and more than 150 scientific publications, he is a serious and widely valued.

Although Professor Burkhardt is a retired scientist, he wanted to know what it was and gathered the necessary data on a voluntary basis.

The findings were so dramatic that the two professors are urging all doctors around the world to look at the evidence and stop telling people that vaccines are safe.

Anyone who still claims that this injection is safe following the search results ofs teachers Bhakdi et Burkhardt bECOMES condemnable.

In 16 out of 17 cases, massive damage resulting in death.

According to the results of the investigation, vaccination almost certainly results in massive damage to the lungs, heart and, ultimately, death.

In sixteen of seventeen cases of people who died following being vaccinated, aged between 28 and 90, Professor Burkhardt found very similar damage to different organs. VSthem– these are due to the fact that the body attacked itself. This damage is not obviously found in deceased people only when researched directly.

Damage are irreversible. They are irreparable. Some types of tissue cannot regenerate.

Brain or heart damage is irreparable.

If, for example, the heart and brain are damaged, the patient will never fully recover.

It is not known whether the damage will appear today, tomorrow or in ten years.

The teacher Bhakdi also has very harsh words for the Minister of Health German Mosquito Stone: “If he does not know how dangerous the vaccination is or if he knowingly hides it, he should urgently resign from his post.”

Interview in German of professor Bhakdi:

Interview on the teacher’s work Burkhardt (in German and English)

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