Rudkovskaya boasted of achievements in 2021

The star producer and her husband are especially proud of the Plushenko Angels Academy.

Yana Rudkovskaya with her son and husband. Photo:

Figure skater Evgeni Plushenko’s wife – Yana Rudkovskaya – summed up the results of 2021. The celebrity emphasized that she managed to achieve a lot. Although not without unpleasant moments.

Rudkovskaya recalled that in 2021 her family had to pay attention to health.

“Mom broke his leg, Sasha broke his arm, almost the whole family, except for me and Zhenya, had the coronavirus. When children and parents are ill, it is very hard mentally, ”Rudkovskaya admitted.

But the producer completed the construction of the Academy “Plushenko’s Angels”. Together with her husband Evgeni Plushenko, Yana Rudkovskaya are proud of their brainchild:

“A stunningly beautiful arena, perhaps the most beautiful in the world, made in a chalet style. To build such an arena in such a short time is an outstanding achievement, I think. Plus, build a park, build cottages where athletes live, and all this in just one year – the maximum program was completed. “

Rudkovskaya added that she is neutral towards 2021.

“There are always pluses and minuses, but I can say that the year was both difficult and, let’s say, interesting,” Yana said in an interview with OK!.

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