99% blood oxygen concentration will also cause hypoxia in the heart. 5 types of foods prevent hypoxia | atherosclerosis | thrombosis

During the new crown epidemic, some people useblood oxygenWhen the machine self-tested, the blood oxygen concentration was always above 99%; but when I went to receive a health check, I found that “hearthypoxia“. why is that?heartWhat are the warning signs of hypoxia?

3 typeshypoxiaConditions Vascular problems are common

People breathe 24 hours a day, so why is there a lack of oxygen?

Liu Zhongping, a cardiologist and director of Yuping Clinic, said that there are three situations that cause hypoxia:

The first is that the oxygen inhaled into the body is not enough.

Such as drowning, choking on food, or contracting COVID-19 or other lung diseasesblood oxygen

Liu Zhongping pointed out that this situation belongs to the whole body hypoxia. When such patients use the blood oxygen machine to detect the fingers, the oxygen concentration in the blood can be measured.

The second is poor blood supply.

The reason may be that blood vessels are naturally prone to spasm, resulting in poor blood flow.Or acquired due to bad living habits, fat and bad cholesterol accumulate on the blood vessel wall and become thicker and thicker, and the blood vessels become more and more narrow and hardened, causingatherosclerosisso that the blood cannot flow smoothly into the tissue.

If the blood supply to the tissues and organs is poor, local hypoxia will occur. For example, when the heart gets less oxygen, it can cause hypoxia.

Liu Zhongping pointed out that most of the hypoxia, including cardiac hypoxia, belongs to local hypoxia, which cannot be measured by a blood oxygen machine.

Fat and bad cholesterol build up on the walls of blood vessels and build up thicker, narrowing and hardening the blood vessels. (Fotolia)

Other cases of local hypoxia due to poor blood supply include necrosis due to an accident causing a limb to be crushed by a heavy object, or people tying rubber bands to their fingers, and fingers turning black due to affected blood flow, etc.

The third is the insufficient ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen.

The heme in red blood cells is responsible for carrying oxygen, and red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body. If there is insufficient hemoglobin, the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen decreases. Likewise, without enough red blood cells, it cannot carry enough oxygen. Therefore, patients with poor blood cell function and severe anemia are prone to local hypoxia.

Ignoring 3 symptoms of hypoxia can lead to heart failure, myocardial infarction

Cardiac hypoxia can be called hypoxic lesions, ischemic heart disease, and the most important factor is the blockage of the coronary arteries on the heart. The occurrence of hypoxia can be divided into chronic and acute:

1. Acute cardiac hypoxia

When acute platelet aggregation occurs in blood vessels, resulting inthrombusObstruction can cause acute hypoxia. Myocardial infarction belongs to this category. The attack comes quickly and violently, and people often fall down quickly. Myocardial infarction can occur because the walls of the blood vessels are weak or when a blood clot suddenly grows after being tired and not drinking enough water for the day.

2. Chronic cardiac hypoxia

Chronic cardiac hypoxia is more common than acute cardiac hypoxia.

The main reason is poor blood supply, another reason is related to anemia. Liu Zhongping said that in clinical diagnosis, the patient’s hemoglobin will be checked at the same time.

Chronic cardiac hypoxia symptoms:Chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath. If these are prone to occur while walking or exercising, be extra careful.

Because of high cholesterol and smoking, many people’s blood vessels become more and more narrow, and they are prone to wheezing and chest pain when walking. But people tend to think it’s a trivial matter and ignore it when the symptoms go away. Liu Zhongping pointed out that if there is no prompt treatment, the heart will be hypoxic for a long time, and the following conditions may occur: more and more weak movement, severe arrhythmia, heart failure, myocardial infarction.

Chronic hypoxia can also become acute, causing myocardial infarction. Therefore, if you have symptoms such as easy wheezing and chest tightness, it is recommended to go to the hospital to check the heart, rather than relying on the blood oxygen machine to judge, let alone leave it alone.

Sudden myocardial infarction can be prevented by paying attention to skin lumps and ear folds.  (Shutterstock)
Chronic hypoxia may also lead to myocardial infarction. If you walk easily with asthma, chest tightness and other symptoms, you should not take it lightly. (Shutterstock)

The 5 most dangerous foods in this age group prevent heart hypoxia

Before menopause, the majority of patients with cardiac hypoxia were men. The reason is that women before menopause have female hormones to provide protection, and their cardiovascular health is relatively healthy. Most female patients start to have cardiovascular disease after menopause, so after menopause, the proportion of male and female patients will be close.

Cardiac hypoxia is more common in patients between the ages of 45 and 65, and whether it is male or female, the reasons are mostly caused by vascular stenosis and sclerosis, and are related to aging, cholesterol and smoking. “If a person starts smoking and eating high-fat and high-sugar from a young age, it has accumulated for more than 20 years. Once he is over 40 years old, he is prone to seizures, and reaches the peak period at the age of 45,” said Liu Zhongping.

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To prevent heart hypoxia, avoid smoking, reduce consumption of high-fat and high-sugar foods, exercise more, and avoid overwork.

At the same time, you can eat some foods that are good for blood vessels and blood cells:

1. Foods containing water-soluble dietary fiber

Water-soluble dietary fiber can reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestinal tract, expel bad cholesterol, help blood vessels to flow smoothly, allow blood to flow into tissues smoothly, and avoid local hypoxia.

Foods rich in soluble dietary fiber: oats, potatoes (potatoes), pumpkin, yams, okra, mushrooms, seaweed, cauliflower, carrots, melons, apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, citrus.

2. Fish

Fish is a good source of high-quality protein and polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3, which is good for blood vessels and red blood cells

Protein helps red blood cell production, Omega-3 preventsatherosclerosisThe reason is that Omega-3 can help remove fat from blood vessels and stabilize atherosclerotic plaque.

An epidemiological survey in Greenland reported that the incidence of ischaemic heart disease in Greenlanders is very low and is related to a diet rich in omega-3.[1]

Fish high in omega-3 include salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout and sardines.

3. Allium and cruciferous vegetables

These two types of vegetables contain organosulfur compounds that allow the smooth flow of blood in the arteries and prevent chronic hypoxia.

Studies have found that organosulfur compounds can reduce cholesterol synthesis in liver cells and inhibit platelet aggregation. If the ability of platelets to aggregate increases, it is easy to cause narrowing of blood vessels.[2]

Organosulfur compounds can also prevent atherosclerosis and re-occlusion of treated coronary arteries.

Common allium vegetables: garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, and chives.

Cruciferous vegetables: cabbage (cabbage), cauliflower, broccoli (broccoli), kale, arugula, bok choy, radishes, Brussels sprouts.

4. Meat, fish and shellfish

Iron is a necessary mineral for the synthesis of heme. Without enough iron, the synthesis of heme is insufficient, and the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells will be relatively small. Liu Zhongping added that if there is insufficient hemoglobin, there will not be many red blood cells.

Meat, fish and shellfish are ideal iron-supplementing foods with high iron content, because the human body’s absorption rate and utilization rate of animal iron are better than those of plant iron.

In addition, when eating iron-containing food, supplement it with vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C, which can promote the absorption of iron.

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C are: guava, papaya, grapefruit, strawberries, kiwi, oranges, tomatoes and so on.

5. Eggs

Eggs are quite a nutrient-dense food, containing the nutrients needed to prevent anemia and produce heme and red blood cells: protein, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, copper, iron, vitamin D, and more.

Some people worry that eating too many eggs can raise cholesterol. But a 2018 review pointed out that cholesterol in food has little effect on the body, but saturated fatty acids can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The study mentions that eggs contain high-quality protein and minimal saturated fatty acids, and a large egg (50 grams), with only 1.56 grams of saturated fat, is a healthy and affordable food.[3]

If you develop a balanced diet, you will naturally be able to absorb these nutrients. Liu Zhongping shared that after taking drugs, developing good eating habits and exercising properly, his patients’ heart hypoxia has improved.

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Responsible editor: Li Qingfeng

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