98% of the students trained at HM Hospitales pass

The 98.5 percent Of the 122 students trained in the HM Hospitals Group ha passed the 2022 MIR exam following the results of the test were made public, which establishes the order to access a place that guarantees the training of medical specialists in Spain.

The hospital group emphasizes that these students who attend their higher studies of the Medicine Degree of the San Pablo CEU Universityreceive specific training from health professionals and teachers from HM Hospitales on the Campus located in the HM Montepríncipe University Hospitaland that welcomes students from third year of career.

Additionally, three of these 122 students have managed to position themselves among the top 100 positions, for the first time in the group’s teaching history. Similarly, there are seven medical students at HM Hospitales among the Top 500 in this 2022 MIR exam.

Results in the MIR of the students of HM Hospitales

“More of 13,000 doctors took the exam and The students of the CEU San Pablo University trained in the Group, both at a theoretical and practical level, have passed this test with great success. If there is something that makes all of us who are part of their formation happy, it is that, following 7 years of effort and dedicationwe can see their work and ours rewarded, seeing how they can opt for the desired position”, assured the director of Undergraduate Teaching at HM Hospitales, Alice of the rope.

In this sense, HM Hospitales stresses that there has been a substantial growth of improvement among studentsas 41.80 percent rank in the top 4,000 vs. 36.6 percent in 2021 and 39 percent in 2020.

Training has been, in recent years, a fundamental axis in HM Hospitales and this commitment has been reinforced with the agreement recently signed with Camilo Jose Cela Universitywith whom HM Hospitales has achieved a strategic alliance in 2021 to create a new model of university training in Health Sciences from the 2022-2023 academic year.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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