95% of French people would be threatened by a lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle

Posted 15 Feb. 2022 at 02:26 PMUpdated Feb 15. 2022 at 16:36

Physical activity too low, time spent sitting in front of a screen too long… The organization of the life of 95% of French adults (18-64 years old) exposes them to a deterioration in their health. Increased risks when the lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle accumulate; and which affect the population unequally, is alarmed by the National Food Safety Agency (Anses) in a report published on Tuesday.

While the health agency was already alerting, end of 2020 , on the lack of physical activity and the growing sedentary lifestyle among young people – aggravated by the confinements linked to the coronavirus crisis – ANSES today gives a worrying snapshot of the adult population, on the basis of data collected in 2016 and 2017 (which excluded pregnant and postmenopausal women). ANSES calls on public authorities to make the promotion of more active lifestyles a priority.

Women, the youngest, and the least qualified particularly affected

The study reveals disparities in the population. Thus, women are more exposed to a lack of physical activity. 70% of them are below all levels of activity identified for good health, compared to 42% of men. In addition, the lack of physical activity affects the inhabitants of the Paris conurbation more than those of rural areas.

Regarding sedentary lifestyle (which corresponds to a very low level of activity, such as when watching television, a video game or a computer), adults with low levels of education and those under 45 are the most affected. (42% of 18-44 year olds spend more than 8 hours a day in front of a screen, compared to 31% of 45-64 year olds). Here once more, Ile-de-France residents are more exposed to a sedentary lifestyle, at the rate of 2 additional hours per day than rural people.

Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension or obesity

Throughout France, more than a third of adults combine a high level of physical inactivity and insufficient physical activity, which consequently increases the risk of deterioration of their health. These people therefore have higher mortality and morbidity rates. For adults with low to moderate physical activity (37% of the adult population), the increase in all-cause mortality is 5 to 10%, compared to 40% for the least active adults ( 27% of the adult population).

The health risks are multiple: “For example, they [les populations à risque] are more exposed to cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. They are also more at risk of hypertension or obesity,” explains Professor Irène Margaritis, Head of the Nutrition Risk Assessment Unit at ANSES.

Review the organization of our lifestyles

Although ANSES’s opinion is not intended to provide recommendations for the population, it challenges the public authorities. To achieve sufficient levels of activity on an individual scale, the health agency thus underlines the importance of collective and long-term actions by creating an overall environment favorable to behavioral change.

“It is the very organization of our lifestyles that needs to be reviewed”, insists Irène Margaritis, “whether in the public space, leaving more room for active mobility such as cycling or walking, or on the workplace, by promoting sports practice and limiting sedentary time, or even in the school system by increasing the space and time dedicated to physical and sports activities,” she says.



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